
Terms for subject Disapproving containing полнее | all forms
включить на полную громкость музыкуblast music ("Who is the idiot walking the seawall with his portable speaker in a cart? I see him daily now and tonight at almost eleven he’s blasting music and using an air horn as he walks the seawall around Сoal Harbour." "I’ve heard it more than once on the seawall and in Stanley Park…not always from the same person. I had to ask myself if I am getting old and intolerant (I’m 46) or if this is just rude behavior. I’m going with rude." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
полная галиматьяstuff and nonsense (igisheva)
полная ерундаstuff and nonsense (igisheva)
полная занудаwet blanket (a dull or depressing person who spoils other people's enjoyment. • Jack's fun at parties, but his brother's a wet blanket. • I was with Anne and she was being a real wet blanket. AI Alexander Demidov)
полное убожищеthe most flawed person (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
полное убожищеa deeply flawed person (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
полное уродствоdownright ugly (No surprise here, they are downright ugly and furthermore not a place I'd want to be if an earthquake hits this place. Typical of this region however where developers pretty much run roughshod and city councils fold like a cheap accordion. Not hard to see how municipal government is both incompetent and corrupt. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
полное уродствоcomplete eyesore (A big-box store planned for this heritage area will be a complete eyesore, according to local residents. ART Vancouver)
полный беспределpure bullshit (He tried to pin an assault falsely on that woman by making things up. That the judge bought his lie that he was confused making his statement is pure bull shit. Just shows how messed up our legal system is. The people with the most money win. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
полный беспределout-of-control corrupt mess (What is the point of all those towers other than housing new Asian immigrants so the developers and builders can continue to grow their wealth tremendously at the expense of everyone else in the region? BC is an out of control corrupt mess that is densifying only for the sole purpose of making gov, developers, realtors, banks, and builders rich. How did we get here? Why are we sacrificing our beautiful province and communities for this selfish greed of a few? -- творится полный беспредел vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
полный беспределtotally out of control (The rental prices situation is totally out of control in this city. – У нас в городе творится полный беспредел с ценами на арендное жильё. ART Vancouver)
полный кретинtotal moron (It's one thing not to get vaccinated, we have this freedom here, but when you're sick with a case of measles and you walk into a postnatal ward, you have to be a total moron not to realize that you're putting these 30 babies and their mothers at risk. ART Vancouver)
полный маразмabsolutely nuts (“Is it constitutionally essential to prove my residency by sharing my marriage certificate with a municipality?” he asked online, in what the former Chief of Staff called a “Stalin-era style probe.” How do you prove you live in your home? In an interview with Daily Hive, Allam says not only is this an overstep, but their marriage certificate proves nothing about whether they actually live there or not. “None of that proves residency,” he said. “Absolutely nuts, all this stuff that’s going on.” (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
полный отстойa shit sandwich
полный провалmiserable failure (His strategy has been a miserable failure. ART Vancouver)