
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing полная | all forms | exact matches only
в полной мере раскрыть свои способностиreach one's full potential (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
в полной мере реализовать свои возможностиreach one's full potential (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
в полном разгареwell underway ("It's hard not to smile when you see fuzzy goslings start to appear around Vancouver. The resident Canada goose breeding season is well underway and proud geese can be seen strutting around parks and lakes showing off their gaggle." (Vancouver Courier) ART Vancouver)
на полном серьёзеmean business (говорить, сказать: She wasn't kidding, she meant business. • If you do happen by a coyote while on the trails with your pet, pick the pooch up immediately and let the coyote know you mean business. Always make some noise. Scare the coyote off at all times. We don't want coyotes to become habituated to us. – дайте койоту понять, что вы не шутите ART Vancouver)
полная ахинеяcomplete nonsense (ART Vancouver)
полная бессмыслицаcomplete nonsense (Прочел пролог к "Анатэме" – полная бессмыслица… (И.А. Бунин) ART Vancouver)
полная глупостьit makes zero sense (It makes zero sense to have a house that big for just two people and pay $20,000 in property tax. ART Vancouver)
полная ерундаcomplete nonsense (ART Vancouver)
полный неудачникmiserable failure (Nothing says Obama is a miserable failure like this latest executive order. ART Vancouver)
раскрыть свои возможности в полной мереreach one's full potential (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
реализовать свои возможности в полной мереreach one's full potential (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
реализовать свой потенциал в полной мереreach one's full potential (He highlighted the prevalence of trauma and abuse in America and the need for therapy to help people reach their full potential. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
я отдаю себе полный отчёт вI am well aware of