
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing политический | all forms | exact matches only
наблюдать за политической обстановкойscan the political horizon
повестка дня политических дискуссийpolitical discourse (Alex_Odeychuk)
политический насморкdiplomatic cold ("An excuse to get over a disagreeable engagement" – see the origin and source at infoplease.com Aiduza)
политический проектpolitical ticket (Создание партии специально к выборам:" ...a number of Dixiecrats did leave the Democratic convention and establish their own POLITICAL TICKET, the States' Rights Party".; политпартия к выборам sashkomeister)
почувствовать смену политического ветраscent a change in the political wind (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
"ходячая энциклопедия" по политическим вопросамpolicy wonk (Alex_Odeychuk)