
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing покончено | all forms
пока с этим не будет поконченоuntil it is over and done with (Yeldar Azanbayev)
пока с этим не поконченоuntil it was over and done with (Yeldar Azanbayev)
покончить жизнь самоубийствомtake the Dutch cure (Anglophile)
покончить жизнь самоубийствомfall on one's sword (To commit suicide. Interex)
покончить сput something to bed (чем-то; to put (something) to bed = to finish dealing with something – This is an opportunity for us to put some of these problems to bed. Gilbert)
покончить сbring an end to (Our new in-flight menu should bring an end to those cliched airline food jokes once and for all. – позволит раз и навсегда покончить с ART Vancouver)
покончить с вопросом раз и навсегдаsettle the matter once and for all (We need to settle this matter once and for all. ART Vancouver)
покончить с деламиget things done (Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done Andrey Truhachev)
покончить с делами на сегодняcall it a day (The meaning of the phrase is to quit work and go home; to say that a day's work has been completed. "I'm tired. Let's call it a day.": "Zealous though they are in their self-chosen task of supplying the populace with clothing, there comes a moment when these merchants call it a day and put up the shutters." (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
покончить с собойtake the Dutch cure (Well, Ken took the Dutch cure last week. So sad. Anglophile)
покончить с собойdo the Dutch act (After her daughter died, we were worried that Mary might be tempted to do the Dutch act.)
покончить с собойfall on one's sword (часто с иронией; So, because I lost the contract, I am supposed to fall on my sword or something? Val_Ships)
покончить с *чем-либо* раз и навсегдаget it over with, once and for all (Let’s get it over with, once and for all. – Давайте покончим с этим раз и навсегда. ART Vancouver)
покончить счёты с жизньюgo out of this world (Bobrovska)
раз и навсегда покончить сbring an end to ... once and for all (Our new in-flight menu should bring an end to those cliched airline food jokes once and for all. – позволит раз и навсегда покончить с ART Vancouver)