
Terms for subject Makarov containing поисковая | all forms | exact matches only
авиационное подразделение поисково-спасательной службыscouting force
аэропланы, аэростаты, оружие, поисковые огни и заграждения – все сыграло свою роль в обороне Лондонаaeroplanes, balloons, guns, and searchlights, and the barrage itself had their part to play in the air defences of London
бортовая самолётная поисковая РЛСairborne search radar
вводить документ в поисковую системуenter a document into a retrieval system
генератор тональных посылок поисковой системы кнопочного набораscanned keyboard tone generator
геофизический метод поисков подземных водgeophysical method of locating groundwater
дополнительный поисковый щупsecondary search rod
перспективы поисков полезных ископаемыхprospects of the search for minerals
поисковая партияsearch party
поисковая партия наконец поймала сигнал с потерпевшего катастрофу самолётаthe searchers at last picked up a signal from the crashed plane
поисковая партия наконец поймала сигнал с разбившегося самолётаthe searchers at last picked up a signal from the crashed plane
поисковая партия рассыпалась веером в надежде отыскать пропавшего мальчикаthe searchers fanned out to look for the missing boy
поисковая скважинаtest well (на воду)
поисковая служба ИнтернетInternet search service
поисковая способность энтомофаговsearching capacity of entomophages
поисковая фараadjustable spot lamp
поисково-спасательные работыsearch and rescue operations (на море или суше)
поисково-спасательные работыsearch and rescue (на море или суше)
поисковое воздействиеtrial input (в экстремальных системах регулирования)
поисковое воздействиеtest signal perturbation (в экстремальных системах регулирования)
поисковое зрениеexploratory vision
поисковое поведениеappetitive behaviour (The active, goal-seeking and exploratory phase of behaviour that precedes the more stereotyped consummatory behaviour that the animal exhibits when it reaches its goal. Upon reaching the goal, appetitive behaviour normally ceases. In some cases, there are difficulties in separating appetitive goal-seeking behaviour from other forms of behaviour. For example, the nest-building behaviour of the blackbird (Turdus merula) begins with the search for large twigs to form a foundation. Small twigs are then collected to form the sides. The nest cup is made from mud and lined with fine grass and hair. While we may wish to regard the completed nest as the bird's ultimate goal, there are difficulties in distinguishing between the appetitive and consummatory aspects of the nest-building behaviour. One possibility is to regard the search for each twig as an appetitive episode, and its placement in the nest as a consummatory response. Another possibility is to regard the whole chain of behaviour as appetitive, and completion of the nest as consummatory. The concept of appetitive behaviour is not relevant to all types of behaviour. We would not normally think of animals as showing appetitive responses for avoidance of noxious stimuli, or alarm responses. Similarly, some appetitive behaviour, such as that shown by ambush predators that lie in wait for prey, is characterized by inactivity rather than by the active searching normally thought of as appetitive. oxfordreference.com)
поисковое поведениеseeking behaviour
поисковое тралениеexploratory trawling
поисковые исследованияresearch
поисковый признакindicator
поисковый радар обнаружения воздушных целейair search radar
поисковый сервис на лазерных дисках CD-ROMCD-ROM search service
после вялых поисков, они отправляются домойafter a half-hearted search, they go home
после долгих поисковafter a long search
радиационный метод поисковradiation prospecting method
радиоприёмник поискового вызоваradiopager
система поискового вызоваpagerphone system
устать от поисковbe tired of search
фактографическая информационно-поисковая системаdata retrieval system