
Terms for subject Road traffic containing подъёмы | all forms
в конце подъёмаat the top of hill (ПДД translator911)
в конце подъёмаnear the top of hill (translator911)
застрять на подъёмеcannot make it up the hill (из-за гололёда, снега: A layer of ice has made for tricky going across the city Friday morning. You’re better off walking on Main Street than waiting for a bus. Buses can’t make it up the hill from Terminal Avenue to Broadway. • Автобусы улетали в отбойники, троллейбусы застревали на подъемах, водители возмущенно рассказывали, кто, сколько и где стоял на превратившейся в стекло дороге. (sevastopol.su/) ART Vancouver)
небольшой подъёмslight incline (дороги, подъезда к дому: If a car is parked daily on a slight incline in the driveway, it can have an impact on the longevity of the brakes. When a car is parked on an incline, the weight of the car presses down on the brakes, which can cause them to wear out more quickly. (quora.com) ART Vancouver)
небольшой подъёмslight rise (на дороге: They had passed through Dores, and were on their way towards Foyers (...) when, as the car was climbing a slight rise, an extraordinary-looking creature crossed the road ahead of them, from left to right, in a series of jerks. When on the road, it took up practically the whole width of it. (lochnessmystery.blogspot.com) ART Vancouver)