
Terms for subject Real estate containing площадью | all forms
аренда торговых площадейretail lease (lawput)
арендуемая площадь зданияrentable building area (semenkov)
больше дополнительной площадиmore counter space (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
доля свободных площадейvacancy rate (Sibiricheva)
дополнительное площадьsurge space (Пространство, необходимое для того, чтобы справиться с ситуацией непредвиденного увеличения численности персонала,чтобы избежать проблемы переполненности существующих офисных помещений andreon)
дополнительные офисные площадиoverflow space
излишки площади по оплате жильяpayment for extra residential area (Анна Ф)
имеющий лишнюю жилую площадьunderoccupied (о доме key2russia)
коммерческие площадиcommercial premises (Ying)
коэффициент полезной площадиfloor R/U Ratio (Floor R/U Ratio = (Floor Rentable Area)/(Floor Usable Area). BOMA Alexander Demidov)
коэффициент полезной площадиfloor area ratio (Floor area ratio (FAR), floor space ratio (FSR), floor space index (FSI), site ratio and plot ratio are all terms for the ratio of a building's total floor area (Gross Floor Area) to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built. The terms can also refer to limits imposed on such a ratio. As a formula: Floor area ratio = (total covered area on all floors of all buildings on a certain plot, Gross Floor Area) / (area of the plot) Thus, an FSI of 2.0 would indicate that the total floor area of a building is two times the gross area of the plot on which it is constructed, as would be found in a multiple-story building. WK Alexander Demidov)
крупный блок арендуемой площадиanchor (минимальный размер арендуемой площади; minimum lease term of 10 years with anchors (1000 sq/m minimum leasable area) Ali Baba)
Начальник отдела торговых площадейHead of Retail Department (rechnik)
облагаемая площадьchargeable area (Igor Kondrashkin)
общая арендуемая площадьGross Lease Area (Ershova)
общая площадь зданияGross Building Area (Ershova)
общая площадь недвижимостиcommon area (включая парковку, коридоры, фойе, бассейн, тренажёрный зал, площадь общего пользования Johnny Bravo)
общая площадь строенияGross Building Area (Ershova)
общая сдаваемая площадьNLA (Net Lettable Area artext)
общей площадьюwith a total space of (sankozh)
объём предложения офисных площадейoffice property market supply (Alex_Odeychuk)
Отдел торговых площадейRetail Department (rechnik)
отопление излишков площадиheating of the extra area (Анна Ф)
отопление основной площадиheating of the main area (Анна Ф)
площадь без ремонтаshell & core premises (rechnik)
площадь кухниkitchen size (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
Площадь недвижимостиnet area (Johnny Bravo)
подлежащая продаже площадь неттоnet saleable area
полезная площадьusable area (The BOMA standard relies on two important definitions: "usable area" and "rentable area." ... Usable area can generally be considered as the private space that tenants can use to house their own personnel, furniture and equipment. It is measured from the office side of the common corridor walls, the inside of exterior building walls, and the middle of partition walls separating the tenant's space from space occupied by other tenants. It does not include restrooms, elevator shafts, fire escapes, stairwells, electrical and mechanical rooms, janitorial rooms, elevator lobbies, or public corridors (for example, a corridor leading from the elevator lobby to the entrance of a tenant's office). AD)
полезная площадь, подлежащая продажеnet saleable area
продажная площадьsalable area (Igor Kondrashkin)
разменять квартиру на другую меньшей площадиdownsize (ART Vancouver)
рынок офисных площадейoffice space market (В. Бузаков)
с лишней жилой площадьюunderoccupied (о доме key2russia)
свободная торговая площадьcommercial vacancy (Some landowners are hesitant about short-term renting, or find it difficult to get tenants who are willing to sign a lease that has a demolition clause. Some are unfamiliar with the idea of renting out to pop-up operations, which several landlords in Vancouver have been experimenting with. Or they don’t know how to access those operators who might be interested in shorter-term leases. That’s a barrier that Lewis Silberberg, a commercial real-estate broker who has done contract work for the city on problems with commercial vacancies, has noticed. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
сдать в аренду торговую площадьfill the space (Silberberg is a great believer in tackling empty storefronts as a way to sustain the health and vitality of shopping areas. But, he says, each site needs a tailored assessment. And maybe even some specialized help—particularly for the many smaller landlords that are surprisingly numerous in Vancouver—in figuring out how to attract a good tenant for a short-term lease, or how to get through the city’s obstacle course, or to see the advantages of filling the space sooner. bcbusiness.ca ART Vancouver)
содержание и ремонт жилой площади (обслуживание внутридомового инженерного оборудования и санитарное содержание домаmaintenance and repairs (Анна Ф)
ставки аренды торговых площадейrental rates for retail space (В. Бузаков)
темпы поглощения офисных площадей класса Аtake-up rates for class A office space (Leonid Dzhepko)
торговая площадьcommercial space (Before the shift, Strand had emptied out the commercial spaces on the site, which included operations like Motorino Electric and City Side Winery. But the company refilled them after deciding to apply for the new project, since it could still take up to two years before construction could start. New tenants looking for relatively cheaper rents leased there, including the nonprofit Food Stash and Leon Cycle. (bcbusiness.ca) ART Vancouver)
уровень незанятых площадейvacancy rate (rechnik)