
Terms for subject Microsoft containing платеж | all forms
аннулированные проводки платежейVoided payment transactions (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
банковский платёжbank payment (A payment for goods or services that a bank customer authorizes the bank to make on his behalf)
внутренний журнал платежейintercompany payment journal (A journal that is used to post intercompany payments)
возвратный платёжchargeback (The return to a customer's account of funds that were used to purchase an item. This may occur as a result of a customer's contacting a bank to dispute a credit-card transaction)
возвратный платёж с кредитной картыCredit Card Chargeback (Microsoft Online Services (MOS) – Commerce Platform (OCP) Wave 14 GA – June 2011 Rori)
выписка по счету по аннулированным проводкам платежейAccount statement based on voided payment transactions (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
доход от приложения с момента последнего платежаapp proceeds since last payment (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
Единая зона платежей в евроSingle Euro Payments Area (A European banking industry initiative that enables secure electronic payment transfers between bank accounts within and across euro areas; SEPA)
карта платежаprepaid card
карта подтверждения платежаprepaid card (A physical card that represents a specific value or amount of service for which the user has paid in advance)
код классификации единовременного платежаSingle Payment Classification Code (A Standard Entry Class ACH code that describes a type of financial transaction)
компания, управляющая платежамиpayment company (The company that is associated with a payment transaction)
Метод проверки банковского счета платежа должен быть итальянским.the validation method of the payment bank account must be Italian. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
наложенный платёжCOD (A payment policy that requires payment in full for product upon delivery)
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомCOD outstanding (Undelivered and unpaid cash-on-delivery transaction)
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомcash on delivery outstanding
невыполненная поставка с наложенным платежомC.O.D. outstanding
платёж по просроченной задолженностиback payment (A payment made by a customer for a past due obligation)
получатель льготного платежаexempt payee (An individual or entity that has no tax liability under US tax laws because they are not a citizen, resident alien, or an organization created or organized under the laws of the United States)
промежуточный платёжon-account payment (A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan)
создание номеров ссылок на платёжCreate payment reference numbers (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Ссылка на проводку по управлению платежамиPayment management transaction reference (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
сумма платежаpayment amount (A quantity of currency that is offered or accepted to settle a past, present, or future obligation)
централизованная система платежейcentralized payment system (" A payment processing system in which one company in an organization manages the incoming and outgoing payments between other companies in the same organization. The other companies still own the invoices. During the settlement process, applicable "due to" and "due from" transactions are generated.")
электронные платежи UnionPayUnionPay Online Payment (An online payment method using UnionPay bank cards or services from China)