
Terms for subject Religion containing песню | all forms
Книга песенShih Ching
молитвенная песняprayer song
песня для нескольких мужских голосов, исполняемая без аккомпанементаglee (A part-song for male voices)
песня песнейsong of Songs
песня песнейsong of Solomon
Песня трёх юношейSong of the Three Children
погребальная песняknell
религиозная песняKumbaya (Kumbaya (pigeon English of the phrase "Come By Here") is an old spiritual song of Afro-American origin that later was made internationally available but in the process it was robbed of it's meaning. Val_Ships)
свиток "Песен субботнего жертвоприношения"Scroll of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (One of the Dead Sea Scrolls, possibly of Essene authorship, discovered at Masada)