
Terms for subject Microsoft containing первичные | all forms
автономный первичный сайтstand-alone primary site (microsoft.com bojana)
атрибут первичного ключаPrimary Key Attribute (Visio 2013 Rori)
иерархия с несколькими первичными сайтамиmulti-primary site hierarchy (microsoft.com bojana)
первичная репликаprimary replica (stachel)
первичное запоминающее устройствоprimary storage device (A storage device that holds data in temporary memory such as RAM)
первичное устройствоprimary device (A software deployment condition that defines one or more devices that a specific user uses. A primary device is typically determined either by frequency of use or by business requirements)
первичный ключprimary key (One or more fields that uniquely identify each record in a table. In the same way that a license plate number identifies a car, the primary key uniquely identifies a record)
первичный сайтprimary site (An SMS/Configuration Manager site that has access to a SQL Server database. Rori)