
Terms for subject Religion containing папский | all forms | exact matches only
взойти на папский престолascend to the papacy (ascended to the papacy – взошёл на папский престол ART Vancouver)
добровольное пожертвование в папскую казнуPeter-penny (A voluntary annual contribution made by Roman Catholics to the Pope)
должность папского легатаlegacy
ежегодная дань папской казнеPeter-penny
камерарий при папском двореChamberlain to the Pope (An often honorary papal attendant; a priest having a rank of honor below domestic prelate)
миссия папского легатаlegacy
назначение папского легатаlegation (The sending forth of a legate)
непогрешимость с папского престолаinfallibilitas ex cathedra
оглашать папский указ об утверждении кого-либо епископомpreconize (кардиналом и т.п.)
отдел папской курии в Ватиканеcongregate
Папская АкадемияPapal Academy (в Италии sixthson)
папская буллаbull (In Roman Catholicism, an official papal letter or document.)
Папская областьPapal States
Папская областьChurch States
папская тиараtiara 1
папский аудиторAuditor Camerae ("Auditor of the Papal Treasury", A.C.)
Папский дворPontifical Household (grafleonov)
Папский дворPapal Household (grafleonov)
папский нунцийnuncio (A papal legate of the highest rank permanently accredited to a civil government)
папский посолApostolicae Sedis Legatus ("legate of the apostolic see", Ap.Sed.Leg.)
папский престолApostolica Sedes ("apostolic see", Ap.Sed.)
папский престолSee of Rome
папский престолRoman see (slitely_mad)
папский престолapostolic see (The see of the Pope)
папский престолpapacy (The office of Pope)
папский пронунцийpronuncio (A name given to those ambassadors whose rank in the diplomatic corps depends solely on seniority)
папское бревеbreve (A letter of authority from a Pope)
папское верховенствоpapal supremacy (Tion)
папское званиеtiara (In Roman Catholicism, a triple crown worn by the Pope or carried in front of him, used at some nonliturgical functions such as processions)
папское казначействоCamera Apostolica ("apostolic camera", Papal Treasury, Cam.Ap.)
папское казначействоCamera (Papal Treasury, Cam.)
папское "Кольцо рыбака" с печатьюFisherman's Ring
папское "Кольцо рыбака" с печатьюRing of the Fisherman
папское облачениеpontificals (Episcopal attire; the insignia of the episcopal order worn by a prelate when celebrating a pontifical mass)
папское посланиеbrief (A papal letter pertaining to matters of discipline)
папское правлениеPapacy The system of government of the Roman Catholic Church of which the Pope is the supreme head
политика папского запретаnon expedit (A late 19th- and early 20th-century policy of the Roman Catholic church that prohibited its Italian members from partici-pating in politics)