
Terms for subject Microsoft containing пакетами | all forms
альтернативный пакетalternate package (Alex_Odeychuk)
анализатор сетевых пакетовsniffer (An application or device that can read, monitor, and capture network data exchanges and read network packets. If the packets are not encrypted, a sniffer provides a full view of the data inside the packet)
веб-пакетweb package (A collection of files, settings, databases, and auxiliary information that is packaged as a file structure or as a compressed file for deployment)
внешний пакетexternal package (In a .NET Framework application, all references to external packages are declared in the packages.config file. In .NET, there's no longer the need to use the packages.config file. Alex_Odeychuk)
восстановление пакетаpackage refresh (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which the compressed package source files are redistributed to distribution points to repair a package. A package refresh also resets the access control list (ACL) if you changed the package access account)
вспомогательная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Minor (Windows 8 Rori)
голосовой пакетvoice pack (Goodwillah)
группа пакетовbatch group (A group of batch jobs. An administrator can determine which application object server (AOS) runs the jobs, and how many jobs an AOS runs)
диагностика пакета управления BizTalk Server 2010BizTalk Management Pack diagnostics (A feature that administrators can use to see the cause and troubleshooting information for a given problem. For example, if the health of a send port appears as red, the State Change Event tab in the Operations Manager console displays the reason why it went from green to red)
диагностический пакетdiagnostic package (The set of files that represent a set of diagnostics that the end user will run to troubleshoot and resolve a problem)
Диагностический пакет для WindowsWindows Troubleshooting Pack (A type of pack that is developed for the Windows Solution Center (using the Windows Troubleshooting Pack Designer) to perform data collection and analysis to provide users and IT professionals with only those solutions that apply to their PC at the time of viewing)
диспетчер пакетовPackage Manager (A tool that installs, uninstalls, configures, and updates features and packages for Windows Vista. Called by Windows Setup during a standard installation or update, Package Manager can also be initiated from the command line to install or update Windows Vista feature packages on an offline destination computer, by using an unattended installation answer file)
SysPrep для пакетов приложенийApp Package Sysprep (A utility that prepares the operating system for an installation of an app package)
добавить ссылку на пакетadd a package reference (Alex_Odeychuk)
журнал пакетаpackage log (harser)
заголовок пакетаpacket header (In network protocol communications, a specially reserved field of a defined bit length that is attached to the front of a packet for carry and transfer of control information. When the packet arrives at its destination, the field is then detached and discarded as the packet is processed and disassembled in a corresponding reverse order for each protocol layer)
загружаемый пакетdownload package (Ding_an_sich)
загружаемый пакет библиотеки Windows для JavaScriptdownload package for Windows Library for JavaScript (The set of tools and APIs for JavaScript developers that is delivered in Visual Studio and downloadable from the web)
задача пакетаbatch task (One of a set of tasks that make up a batch job. The tasks within a batch job may have complex dependencies between them)
запись пакетовpacket capture (Andy)
запрос пакета миграцииmigration batch request (The action of submitting a migration batch for migration from an on-premises messaging system to an e-mail system in the cloud)
идентификатор пакетаpackage identity (The element of a .appx package that identifies the name of the package. This name is an internal data element of the .appx package and is not seen by the end-user customer)
идентификатор пакетаpackage identity (The element of a .appx package that identifies the name of the package. This name is an internal data element of the .appx package and is not seen by the end-user customer. Rori)
идентификатор пакета событийevent batch ID (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
имя пакета эластичного построенияElastic Build Package Name (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
имя семейства пакетовPackage Family Name (An app identity that is created when you reserve a name for an app in the Windows Store Dashboard. Rori)
индексатор ресурсов пакетовPackage Resource Indexer (The Windows tool that indexes your resources and their contexts. By doing so, it supports tailoring for language and for getting the best assets for different scale (DPI), selecting assets for high-contrast accessibility modes, or getting the best asset to fit a given target size)
инструментальный пакетtooling package (Alex_Odeychuk)
интервал рассылки многоадресных пакетовmulticast interval (Windows 8.1 ssn)
Интерфейс получения пакетовInterface Received Packets (Windows 8 ssn)
информационный пакетinformation packet (A collection of material for the information of a specific audience)
исходный каталог пакетаpackage source directory (A directory containing Configuration Manager package source files that are used for package distribution)
исходный файл пакетаpackage source file (A file that is contained within an SMS/Configuration Manager package and that each advertised program needs before it can run)
клиент развёртывания пакетов приложенийapp package deployment client (ssn)
DLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложенийapp package deployment client DLL (ssn)
DLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложенийApp Package Deployment Client DLL (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
коммутация пакетовpacket switching (A technology for breaking data into packets and then sending the packets over a network. Each packet has a header containing its source and destination, a sequence number to reassemble the information, a block of data content, and an error-checking code. The data packets may take different routes to their destination, where the original information is reassembled after the packets arrive. The international standard for packet switching networks is X.25)
конфиденциальность пакетовpacket privacy (An authentication level in which each data packet is signed and encrypted in order to protect the entire communication between the client and server)
конфиденциальность пакетовpacket privacy (An authentication level in which each data packet is signed and encrypted in order to protect the entire communication between the client and server. Rori)
корневой каталог пакетаpackage root directory (The directory on the sequencing computer on which files for the sequenced application package are installed. This directory also exists virtually on the computer to which a sequenced application will be streamed)
манифест пакета Smooth StreamingSmooth Streaming presentation manifest (A file that stores information about the Smooth Streaming presentation. Rori)
мастер настройки пакетовPackage Configuration Wizard (The Wizard that gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file during the package configuration phase)
метод консолидации пакета акцийHolding Consolidation Method (PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
многоадресный сигнальный пакетmulticast bubble (Windows 8.1 ssn)
модульный пакетmodular package (Alex_Odeychuk)
Набор пакетов WindowsWindows Product Suite (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
накопительный пакет обновленияCU (vlad-and-slav)
накопительный пакет обновленияUR (vlad-and-slav)
накопительный пакет обновленияcumulative update (A roll-up update that contains all previous critical on-demand hotfixes to date)
накопительный пакет обновленияcumulative update (A roll-up update that contains all previous critical on-demand hotfixes to date. Rori)
накопительный пакет обновленияupdate rollup
начальный пакетwelcome kit (Victoria_VR)
независимый установочный пакетself-contained installation package (.NET Framework platon)
обновление пакетаpackage update (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which updated package source files are recompressed and then redistributed to distribution points)
оболочка для передачи потоковых пакетов по сетиnetwork streamer
общая папка пакетаpackage share (A network share that includes the software installation files for a package)
объединение в пакетbundle (The grouping of jobs in shop floor control so that multiple jobs can be started at one time)
объединить в пакетbundle (To group jobs in shop floor control so that multiple jobs can be started at one time)
ознакомительный пакетDiscovery Pack (The offer for a fixed amount of Cloud Services, storage, data transfers, Service Bus, CDN and SQL Database at a fixed monthly price. It is now no longer available for new customers. Rori)
ознакомительный пакет для платформы Windows AzureWindows Azure Platform Discovery Pack (An offer that provides a fixed amount of computing, storage, data transfers, access control, service bus, and SQL Azure database applications at a fixed monthly price)
оповещение пакета управления BizTalk Server 2010BizTalk Management Pack alert (A notification that administrators can subscribe to in the BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack. After subscribing to a given alert, administrators receive a notification whenever certain conditions are met. For instance, if a certain number of host instances are throttling, an alert could be raised)
основная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Major (Windows 8 Rori)
Особый пакет MagicMagic Packet (Windows 7 Rori)
пакет автоматической установкиAIK (automated installation kit microsoft.com bojana)
пакет автоматической установкиautomated installation kit (AIK microsoft.com bojana)
пакет автоматической установки WindowsWindows Automated Installation Kit (A Microsoft suite of tools designed to help original equipment manufacturers, system builders, and corporate IT professionals customize, automate, and deploy Windows Vista operating system onto new hardware)
пакет администрирования IIS 7Administration Pack for IIS 7 (The Administration Pack for IIS 7 contains additional management features for IIS 7, including: Administration UI support for ASP.NET authorization, custom errors, FastCGI configuration, and Request Filtering)
пакет администрирования Internet ExplorerInternet Explorer Administration Kit (A set of tools that enables corporate administrators, ISPs, and ICPs to create, distribute, and manage customized Internet Explorer packages across an organization. The IEAK contains the Internet Explorer Customization Wizard, the IEAK Profile Manager and the IEAK Toolkit)
пакет администрирования Internet ExplorerIEAK
пакет администрирования диспетчера подключенийConnection Manager Administration Kit (A tool for creating, editing, and managing Connection Manager profiles. The Connection Manager is a client dialer)
пакет администрирования диспетчера подключенийCMAK (A tool for creating, editing, and managing Connection Manager profiles. The Connection Manager is a client dialer)
пакет администрирования отказоустойчивого кластераFailover Cluster AdminPak (Windows 7 Rori)
пакет безопасностиsecurity pack (A kind of management pack that contains the logic to monitor the security events for a specified application)
пакет веб-развёртыванияWeb deployment package (A compressed (.zip) file or a folder that contains web site files, that is used to deploy a web site in IIS. Rori)
пакет виртуализированного приложенияsequenced application package (The files that comprise a virtual application and allow a virtual application to run. These files are created after sequencing and specifically include .osd, .sft, .sprj, and .ico files. Rori)
пакет возможностейfeature pack
пакет готовностиin-air packet
пакет данныхdata packet (A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to another on a network)
пакет Media Center для Windows 8Windows 8 Media Center Pack (A media pack add-on to Windows 8 Pro that upgrades the edition to include Windows Media Center)
пакет SDK XML для аналитикиXML for Analysis SDK (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
пакет SDK для доступа к интерфейсу отладкиDIA SDK (An SDK that provides access to debug information stored in program database (.pdb) files generated by Microsoft post-compiler tools)
пакет Cloud Essentials для партнёров с платформой Windows AzureWindows Azure platform Cloud Essentials for Partners (An offer for members of the Microsoft Partner Network who have the Microsoft Cloud Essentials Pack. The subscription includes a base level of monthly computing hours, storage, data transfers, a SQL Azure database, Access Control transactions, and Service Bus connections at no charge)
пакет для совместимости приложенийapplication compatibility package (Windows 8.1 ssn)
пакет дополнительного компонентаadd-on package (An XML file in the addons folder of the Datastore. Add-on packages are used to deploy files or an application to a device or emulator)
пакет дополнительных компонентовfeature pack (Andy)
пакет драйвераdriver package (A collection of files that comprise a driver)
пакет запроса ввода-выводаI/O request packet (Data structures that drivers use to communicate with each other)
Пакет зафиксирован в базе данных распространителяCommitted batch to distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
пакет инструментальных средствtooling package (Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет интеграцииintegration pack (A collection of custom activities that is specific to a product or a technology)
пакет интерфейса пользователяLanguage Interface Pack (Add-in software that provides partially localized user interfaces for particular computer programs in languages not supported by localized versions of those programs)
пакет интерфейса пользователяLIP
пакет исправленийhot fix (translator911)
пакет клиентских лицензийCAL pack (A digital or paper format pack that usually consists of a proof of purchase, the description of the licensing terms and policies, and number of client access licenses (CALs) purchased in this pack)
пакет контроля использованияprovisioning packet (An XML packet that is downloaded by the computer enabled by FlexGo technology from the Provisioning Server over the Internet. Provisioning packets contain configuration information such as an end date or number of hours of computer usage time)
пакет лицензионных ключейlicense key pack (A digital representation of one or more licenses. Rori)
пакет метаданныхmetadata package (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
пакет метаданных устройстваdevice metadata package (A .cab file that can only have one locale support and that provides all the hardware display components in order for your device information to be shown in the Control Panel)
пакет миграцииmigration batch (A collection of user accounts that are being submitted in a CSV file for migration from an on-premises messaging system to an e-mail system in the cloud)
пакет мини-приложенийwidget pack (A kind of management pack that allows new dashboard widget libraries to be installed and used in Operations Manager to display monitoring data on a dashboard. Rori)
пакет многоязыкового интерфейса для Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft® Office Multi-Language Pack 2007 (A set of cross-language document sharing and collaboration features in the 2007 Microsoft Office system, along with features that increase the ease of use for individual locales. The Microsoft Office Multi Language Pack 2007 contains all of the languages supported by the 2007 release)
пакет многоязыкового интерфейса для Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft Office Multi-Language Pack 2007
пакет многоязыкового пользовательского интерфейсаMultilingual User Interface Pack
пакет многоязыкового пользовательского интерфейсаMUI Pack
пакет многоязычного интерфейса для OfficeOffice Multi-Language Pack (A volume licensing solution that provides Office Language Pack support for all available languages. Rori)
пакет многоязычного интерфейса для Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Multi-Language Pack (A volume licensing solution that provides Office Language Pack support for all available languages)
пакет многоязычного интерфейса пользователяMultilingual User Interface Pack (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
пакет многоязычного интерфейса пользователяmultilingual user interface pack (ssn)
пакет многоязычного пользовательского интерфейсаMultilingual User Interface Pack (A set of language-specific resources for multiple supported languages. MUI technology enables users to set the user-interface language according to their preferences, provided the required language resource files are present on the computer. It is designed to enable large corporations to deploy a single version of Windows worldwide, while enabling their local users to select the user-interface language)
пакет многоязычного пользовательского интерфейсаmultilingual user interface pack (ssn)
пакет мониторингаmonitoring pack (A kind of management pack that contains the definition of the model against which an application will be monitored and the logic to monitor the health and availability of that application)
пакет нацеливанияtargeting pack (Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет неконтактного вводаin-air packet (A pen input event which is created when a user moves a pen near the tablet and the cursor is within the ink collector object's window or the user moves a mouse within the ink collector object's associated window)
пакет неконтактного вводаin-air packet (A pen input event which is created when a user moves a pen near the tablet and the cursor is within the ink collector object's window or the user moves a mouse within the ink collector object's associated window. Rori)
пакет обеспечения совместимости Microsoft Office для форматов файлов Word, Excel и PowerPoint 2007Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2007 File Formats (A Microsoft supplemental set of tools that provides Office 2000, XP and 2003 users integration from their older file formats with the new file formats for Word, Excel and PowerPoint in the 2007 Microsoft Office system)
пакет обеспечения совместимости Microsoft Office для форматов файлов Word, Excel и PowerPoint 2010Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2010 File Formats (A Microsoft supplemental set of tools that provides Office 2000, XP, 2003 and 2007 users integration from their older file formats with the new file formats for Word, Excel and PowerPoint in the 2010 Microsoft Office system)
пакет обеспечения совместимости форматов файлов Microsoft Office 2007Compatibility Pack for Microsoft Office 2007 File Formats
пакет обновленияupdate
пакет обновленияservice pack (A tested, cumulative set of all hotfixes, security updates, critical updates and updates, as well as additional fixes for problems found internally since the release of the product. Service packs may also contain a limited number of customer requested design changes or features, and contain all fixes since the previous service pack or RTM)
пакет обновленияSP (A tested, cumulative set of all hotfixes, security updates, critical updates and updates, as well as additional fixes for problems found internally since the release of the product. Service packs may also contain a limited number of customer requested design changes or features, and contain all fixes since the previous service pack or RTM)
пакет обновленияservices pack (SQL platon)
пакет образаimage package (microsoft.com bojana)
пакет операционной системыoperating system package (microsoft.com bojana)
пакет оптимизации производительности и ресурсовPerformance and Resource Optimization pack (A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager. Rori)
пакет панели мониторингаdashboard pack (A kind of management pack that allows new dashboards to be installed and used in Operations Manager to display monitoring data)
пакет панели мониторингаdashboard pack (A kind of management pack that allows new dashboards to be installed and used in Operations Manager to display monitoring data. Rori)
пакет поддержкиsupport bundle (Andy)
пакет приложенияapp package (A file that contains the app manifest, executable files, text and image resource files, and other files that make up the app for a single platform)
пакет приложения уровня данныхdata-tier application package (An XML manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the DAC; the package gets created when a developer builds a DAC project. Rori)
пакет приложения уровня данныхDAC package (An XML manifest that contains all of the objects defined for the DAC; the package gets created when a developer builds a DAC project)
пакет программ rootkitrootkit (Software that conceals itself as well as other resources (such as files, folders, processes, or registry entries) in order to prevent detection while it maintains access to the host computer)
пакет программного обеспеченияsoftware bundle (ptraci)
пакет пульсаheartbeat (A message generated by an agent that tells its management server that the agent is functioning. It also informs Operations Manager about the current rules that are evaluated by the agent, and if it is necessary, it requests updates)
пакет работоспособностиhealth packet (A data structure containing health information about pseudo and physical logical unit numbers (LUNs). Rori)
пакет развёртыванияdeployment package (A set of files that can be delivered as a unit to a client computer or device for installation)
пакет расширенияextensibility package (Eni_M)
пакет решенияsolution package (A compressed file that can be deployed to a server farm or a site. It can contain assemblies, resource files, site and feature definitions, templates, code access security policies, and Web Parts)
пакет сбора данныхdata collection package (A self-extracting executable (.exe) created by the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM) for deploying to each of your client computers. Each data collection package can include one or more compatibility evaluators, depending on what you are trying to evaluate)
пакет синхронизации времениTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
пакет службыservice package (A package, also known as a service template, is a file that contains the role binaries and the service definition file to be published to the Windows Azure fabric)
пакет событийevent batch (ssn)
пакет средств разработкиsoftware development kit (A set of routines (usually in one or more libraries) designed to allow developers to more easily write programs for a given computer, operating system, or user interface)
пакет средств разработки ПОsoftware development kit (ssn)
пакет средств разработки ПО для WindowsWindows Software Development Kit (ssn)
пакет средств разработки приложений в стиле Metro для WindowsWindows Software Development Kit for Metro style apps (ssn)
пакет средств разработки приложений Магазина WindowsWindows Software Development Kit for Windows Store Apps (An SDK that contains everything for a developer to create an app for the Windows Store. It is a subset of the complete Windows SDK. This allows developers to stick with APIs that are safe for applications that would appear in the Store and are focused towards core app scenarios)
пакет средств разработки программного обеспеченияsoftware development kit (A set of routines (usually in one or more libraries) designed to allow developers to more easily write programs for a given computer, operating system, or user interface)
пакет средств разработки программного обеспечения для WindowsWindows Software Development Kit (The SDK for developing on Windows. Developers can confidently select and install this SDK for all Windows apps (both Window Store apps and desktop apps). The SDK is integrated with Visual Studio and also available as a separate download)
пакет темtheme pack (A renamed .cab file which contains a .theme file, and optionally one or more desktop backgrounds, icons, mouse pointer files, and sound files. It does not contain executables or screen savers)
пакет управленияmanagement pack
пакет управления DPMDPM Management Pack (A licensed set of processing rules, filters, and alerts, which can be imported onto a MOM Management Server to enable an administrator to centrally monitor data protection, state, health, and performance of multiple DPM servers in Microsoft System Center)
пакет управления BizTalk Server 2010BizTalk Server 2010 Management Pack (A BizTalk enhancement that helps ensure full monitoring capabilities of BizTalk applications and infrastructure. It includes features like diagnostics and alerts to help monitor the health of a BizTalk deployment)
пакет управленияMP
пакет управления переопределенияoverride management pack (A set of files for use with System Center Operations Manager to store overrides and change the default behavior of a rule, monitor, or discovery for a specific target, group, or object. Rori)
пакет управления процессаprocess management pack (A type of management pack that implements all or part of a service management process)
пакет установкиinstaller (Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет установкиinstall package (Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимогоfeature-inclusive content delivery network bundle (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
пакет функций, способный обрабатывать большинство рабочих нагрузок сети доставки содержимогоfeature-inclusive content delivery network bundle capable of handling most content delivery network workloads (microsoft.com, microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
пакеты обновления и обновленияservice packs and patches (SQL platon)
пакеты пользовательских решенийUser Solution Packaging (An approach that packages together all content deployable to SharePoint – list templates, list instance, site template, files and declarative workflows)
переформирование пакетовrepacketization
повторное размещение пакетаpackage refresh (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which the compressed package source files are redistributed to distribution points to repair a package. A package refresh also resets the access control list (ACL) if you changed the package access account)
подписывание пакета приложенияapp package signing (The process of adding a secure digital Authenticode signature to an app package before it is available in the Windows Store. The digital signature shows who signed the package, that the signer is recognized by the client as a trusted source, and that the content of the package was not changed after it was signed)
последний полученный пакет пульсаLast Heartbeat (The title of a column or data field which specifies the date and time that the last heartbeat was received from the monitored computer)
построить пакетBuild Package (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
презентационный пакетpresentation package (A package containing everything you need to show one or many PowerPoint presentations on another computer. This package can be saved to a folder or burned to a CD)
программный пакетsoftware package (The combination of files, settings, and related general information that is required to install software on managed computers. The general information includes items such as the command line that needs to run on computers to install the software, hardware requirements that must be met before the software can be successfully installed, and a schedule for the installation)
развёртывание пакетов приложенийapp package deployment (ssn)
размер пакета "грязных" уведомленийDirty Notification Batch Size (System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 Rori)
Ресурс пакета конструктора смарт-устройстваSmart Devices Designer Package Resource (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
сеть, где разрешена передача многоадресных пакетовmulticast-enabled network
сигнальный пакетbubble (Windows 8.1 ssn)
сигнальный пакет TeredoTeredo bubble packet (A data packet that is typically sent to create or maintain a NAT mapping and consists of an IPv6 header with no IPv6 payload)
сигнальный пакетbubble packet (A data packet that is typically sent to create or maintain a NAT mapping and consists of an IPv6 header with no IPv6 payload. Rori)
Скопировать структуру папок пакета в место назначения для выбранных пакетовDuplicate package folder structure on destination for selected packages (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
служба распространения пакетовpacket distribution service (The Web service that issues provisioning packets to the computer enabled by FlexGo technology based on the client's certificate and hardware version. The Web service also updates the distribution database to delete the downloaded packet)
служебная программа для запуска пакетов SQL ServerSQL Server Execute Package Utility (A graphical user interface that is used to run a Integration Services package)
событие со значением NULL в пакете 0null event in package 0 (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
содержимое пакета Smooth StreamingSmooth Streaming presentation content (Video files (with .ismv file name extensions) and audio files (with .isma file name extensions). Each file is output from an encoder (Expression Encoder 2 SP1 in this case) at different bit rates and synchronized such that clients can seamlessly request contiguous fragments from different files as network and CPU conditions change. The content files are a media container that stores the contiguous MP4 fragments)
Среда выполнения пакета дополнительных компонентов для визуализации и моделированияVisualization and Modeling Feature Pack Runtime (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
средство увязки программ в пакетыsoftware bundler
ссылки на внешние пакетыexternal package references (Alex_Odeychuk)
ссылки на внешние пакетыreferences to external packages (In a .NET Framework application, all references to external packages are declared in the packages.config file. In .NET, there's no longer the need to use the packages.config file. Alex_Odeychuk)
транзакция с несколькими пакетамиmulti-package transaction (A single transaction that spans multiple packages)
установка пакета обновленияservice pack installation (SQL platon)
файл диагностического пакетаDiagnostic Package File (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
файл индекса ресурсов пакетаpackage resource index file (A binary file used in Windows Store apps to store resources for all languages, cultures, and scale factors)
файл определения пакетаpackage definition file
файл пакетаpackage file (Andy)
файл пакета драйвераDriver Package File (Windows 8 Rori)
файл пакета приложения уровня данныхDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package)
файл пакета приложения уровня данныхDAC package file (The XML file that is the container of a DAC package. Rori)
файл пакета службService Package file (System Center App Controller 2012 SP1 Rori)
файл пакета управленияmanagement pack file (A file that is associated with an Operations Manager management pack and that incorporates overrides, custom monitors, and custom rules)
файл из пакета установкиsetup file (Alex_Odeychuk)
формирование динамических пакетовDynamic Suite Composition (An Application Virtualization feature that enables a virtual application package to allow dependent plug-ins or middleware packages to use the virtual environment. This feature enables plug-ins and middleware packages to use the primary package's registry settings, and the packages behave and interact with one another in the same way as if they were installed locally on a machine)
широковещательный пакетbroadcast (microsoft.com bojana)
этап настройки пакетаpackage configuration phase (The phase where one of the Sequencing Wizards (the Package Configuration Wizard) gathers information necessary for creating the OSD file. Rori)
языковой пакет OfficeOffice Language Pack (A set of resources for Microsoft Office software that provides support for features such as Help and proofing tools in a particular language or set of languages)
языковой пакет Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Language Pack (A set of resources for Microsoft Office software that provides support for features such as Help and proofing tools in a particular language or set of languages)
языковой пакетlanguage pack (A collection of binaries that can be installed on top of the core product and enables users to select a preferred language so that the user interface and Help files appear in that preferred language)
языковой пакет для одного языкаsingle language pack (A set of language resources that supports the deployment of a software program in a particular language. Rori)
языковой пакет для одного языкаSLP (A set of language resources that supports the deployment of a software program in a particular language)
языковой пакет для рабочего столаDesktop Language Pack (A free add-on that users can use to switch the language that's displayed in the Visual Studio user interface Rori)