
Terms containing отрезной диск | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.абразивно-отрезной дискabrasive cutting-off disc (Alex_Odeychuk)
wir.диск отрезнойcircular saw blade (metabo.com alikan)
tech.отрезной дискcutting wheel
tech.отрезной дискwheel
automat.отрезной дискcutoff disk
toolsотрезной дискcut-off wheel (Often cutting discs, also known as cut-off wheels, are made from a solid abrasive disc. These discs are often used for cutting metal; they are composed of an abrasive mix of grit and adhesive that is formed into a thin, rigid disc with fiber webbing running through it for strength. Some discs used for cutting ceramic tile or stone are made from a solid disc with an edge coated with diamond grit. wikipedia.org 'More)
med.appl.отрезной дискseparating disk
automat.отрезной дискcutter wheel
automat.отрезной дискcutoff wheel
tech.отрезной дискcuttoff discrimination
Makarov.отрезной дискcuttoff disk
transp.отрезной диск напр. для болгарки по металлуcutting disk for metal
toolsотрезной диск по металлуmetal cut-off wheel ('More)
tech.отрезной диск с раковиновидной кромкойscalloped-edge cutting disk
tech.отрезной диск с раковиновидной кромкойscalloped edge cutting disk