
Terms for subject Microsoft containing отправке | all forms | exact matches only
группа портов отправкиsend port group (A logical grouping of send ports. When a message is sent to a send port group, it is routed to all of the associated send ports)
касание+отправкаtap+send (The feature that allows you to "tap" a PC or phone against another device (or put it close to another device), and share content between the two. Rori)
конвейер отправкиsend pipeline (A pipeline that is executed on messages before they are sent out of the BizTalk server)
контракт "Отправка"Send contract (A contract that enables developers to leverage the SendTo button on the Connect Charm to send content from their application to connected devices)
контракт отправки данныхShare contract (A contract that lets a Windows Store app receive content, such as photos , links, and text, that the user shares from other apps. An app that supports this contract can be included in the list of apps that appears when the user taps the Share charm. Windows limits the list to include only the apps that support the type of data being shared. Examples of apps that might want to use this contract include social networking, email, and note-taking apps)
Обратная запись отправки назначения выполненаan assignment submission write back is done. (PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
Обратная запись отправки назначения завершенаan assignment submission write back is done. (Rori)
обратная отправка страницыpage post back (ssn)
операция отправкиsend operation (ssn)
Определяет элемент привязки, используемый в том случае, когда клиент должен предоставлять конечную точку службе для отправки сообщений обратно клиентуDefines the binding element that is used when the client must expose an endpoint for the service to send messages back to the client. (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
отправка команд моментального снимкаposting snapshot commands (ssn)
отправка команд моментального снимка в базу данных распространителяposting snapshot commands into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
отправка с экспедированиемExpedited shipment (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
отправка сведений о членстве в группе в виде утвержденияsend group membership as a claim (microsoft.com bojana)
отправка файла манифестаSending manifest (SharePoint Server 2016 Rori)
подготовить к отправкеdispatch (To make adjustments to production jobs on a selected work center to prepare them for shipping)
подготовить к отправке, диспетчерdispatch (To plan, allocate, and send out technicians, spare parts, and special equipment to solve a service problem)
порт отправкиsend port (The location to which messages are sent or from which messages are received, and the technology that is used to implement the communication action. The location is uniquely identified by the name of the port)
прикрепление маркера перед отправкойTag and Ship (A scenario that involves putting an RFID label on a case just before it is shipped from a supplier's to a retailer's facility. The purpose of using RFID in this context is strictly to meet retailer's RFID mandates. Rori)
режим отправки служб каталоговDirectory Services Upload mode (The method of adding new users to an organization's service. There are three upload modes: Administration Center mode, Directory Synchronization Tool mode, and Secure FTP mode)
система отправки уведомленийnotification system (Andy)
событие обратной отправки страницыpage post back event (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
событие операции отправкиsend operation event (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
средство отправки нескольких изображенийMultiple Image Uploader (An image uploader that reduces the steps necessary to upload images on the Web. Rori)
файл запроса отправкиsend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
Центр отправки OfficeOffice Upload Center (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)
Центр отправки Microsoft OfficeMicrosoft Office Upload Center (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)
Центр отправкиUpload Center (A central hub for viewing pending uploads to http servers (mainly SharePoint) and correcting upload errors)