
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing отношение | all forms
беспристрастное отношениеbenefit of the doubt (со стороны окружающих: We can't foresee getting flat tires on our cars, after all, so how can we be so quick to find fault with companies that fail to prevent major environmental disasters? Major corporations have made our lives so much better, he went on—maybe they deserve the benefit of the doubt in matters of public safety. -- заслуживают беспристрастного отношения к себе coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в отношении-wise (Price-wise, the new KM22 model seems to stack up pretty well. – в отношении цены • Among Keller's predictions: The year's first half will be bumpy economically and job-wise, though the second half looks better. -- в отношении рабочих мест coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в этом отношенииas far as this is concerned (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
в этом отношенииon this count (On this count you're very, very wrong. ART Vancouver)
добрые отношенияpositive relationship (Orbea discussed his approach to investigating the Walker Ames House, emphasizing the importance of respecting the spaces believed to be inhabited by long-term spirit residents. Orbea believes this respectful approach has fostered a positive relationship with the spirits over the years, and is something beneficial for other investigators to consider. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
находиться в хороших отношениях сhave a good relationship with (Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. • My partner and I lived in her parents' basement suite for something like 5 years while we were saving to buy a place. No way in hell would we have been able to afford to buy in 2023 if we didn't have that leg up in terms of rent savings. If you have a good relationship with your kids, and you both treat each other like adults and respect each others space boundaries, it's not always bad 'moving out' to only 8ft away from your parents. (Reddit) mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
не иметь отношения кbe irrelevant to (The state of the house is irrelevant to the property price. The people who want it want the LOT, not the house. The house is just a nuisance, an obstacle to be removed so they can build the house they want.  ART Vancouver)
не иметь отношения кnot have anything to do with (("An unopened, properly stored product's best before date tells a consumer how long that food will keep its flavour and nutritional value. It doesn't have anything to do with a food's safety, says Topp." ART Vancouver)
не иметь отношения кhave nothing to do with ("It's confusing," says Ellie Topp, a professional home economist. "[The best before] date has nothing to do with the safety of the food. It has everything to do with the taste of the food." ART Vancouver)
первый шаг в развитии деловых отношенийGet your foot in the door (Interex)
перестать поддерживать отношения сlose touch with (Patty from Enterprise, Oregon, claimed she was a cousin of Norma Jean Baker, a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe. Patty described Monroe as strong-headed and a bit mischievous, and confessed "she even tried to get me to go to Hollywood with her once." She lost touch with her cousin after she gained fame and said the family was stunned when Monroe was found dead. Patty told George she believes Monroe was killed. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
поддерживать хорошие отношенияhave a good relationship (with – с: Then there are the Memegwesi, primitive ape-like humans that are a major part of the lore of the Ojibwe, Cree, Innu, Metis, Algonquin, and Menominee Indians. They are hairy things, around four feet tall at adulthood, and, according to legend, have had a good relationship with the Indians for many centuries. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)