
Terms for subject Microsoft containing относительной | all forms
относительная датаrelative date (A range of dates that is specified by using comparison operators and return data for a range of dates)
относительная ссылкаrelative reference (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
относительная ссылка на ячейкуrelative cell reference (In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically adjusts)
относительное измерениеdimensionless measurement (A measurement whose dimension is one and whose unit of measure is either a dimensionless unit of measure or the unit one. Rori)
относительное измерениеdimensionless measurement (A measurement whose dimension is one and whose unit of measure is either a dimensionless unit of measure or the unit one)
относительное положениеrelative positioning (Placement of an element in the natural HTML flow of a document, but such that its position is offset from the preceding content)
относительное преобразованиеrelative transform (A type of transformation this is applied to an object repeatedly, relative to the current state of the object. Useful when animating an object that needs to be transformed the same amount each keyframe)
относительное указательное устройствоrelative pointing device
относительный адресrelative address (A location, as in a computer's memory, that is specified in terms of its distance (displacement or offset) from a starting point (base address))
относительный URL-адресRELURL
относительный виртуальный адресRVA (An offset from the address of a module that is loaded in memory)
относительный виртуальный адресrelative virtual address (An offset from the address of a module that is loaded in memory)
относительный идентификаторRID (Relative Identifier microsoft.com bojana)
относительный идентификаторrelative identifier (RID microsoft.com bojana)
относительный идентификаторrelative ID (The portion of a security identifier (SID) that identifies a user or group in relation to the authority that issued the SID. The authority is usually either the local computer or a domain)
относительный путьrelative path (A path that is implied by the current working directory. When a user enters a command that refers to a file, if the full pathname is not entered, the current working directory becomes the relative path of the file referred to)
относительный указатель PIDLrelative PIDL (A PIDL that is relative to a root object in the shell namespace other than the desktop folder. This is commonly the parent folder of the item)
поворот относительно вертикальной осиyaw (A rotation in 3D space about the y-axis)
смещение относительно времени по ГринвичуUTC Offset (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
хозяин относительных идентификаторовRID master (Relative Identifier Master microsoft.com bojana)
хозяин относительных идентификаторовrelative ID master (RID master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)