
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing отделённая от | all forms
отделить зерна от плевелsift out ashes from cinders (В.И.Макаров)
отделить зерна от плевелsort the wheat from the chaff (With so many manuscripts arriving daily, it's a challenge to separate the wheat from the chaff and spot the really exceptional ones. • Some people are baffled by how to sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to used bikes. raf)
отделить зерна от плевелpick the wheat from the chaff (отделить полезное от вредного или хорошее от плохого Val_Ships)
отделить зерна от плевелseparate the wheat from the chaff (tina_tina)
отделить мух от котлетseparate chaff from grain (Irina Primakova)
отделить факты от вымыслаseparate the facts from the fancy (Acruxia)