
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing остаётся | all forms | exact matches only
быть не способным оставаться на одном месте долгое времяget itchy feet (Olga Fomicheva)
в накладе никто не остаётсяone hand washes the other (Look, if you feature our company's logo during your campaign, we get a major boost in advertising visibility, and you get a bump in your campaign funding–one hand washes the other! Val_Ships)
в сухом остатке остаётся, чтоthe bottom line is that (Alex_Odeychuk)
мне ничего не оставалось, кроме как согласиться с нимI couldn't but agree with him (Alex_Odeychuk)
ни одно доброе лео не остаётся безнаказаннымthere is no good deed that goes unpunished (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ничего не оставалось, кроме какcouldn't but (do something; e.g., I couldn’t but agree with him. – Мне ничего не оставалось, кроме как согласиться с ним. Alex_Odeychuk)
оставайся на связиdon't be a stranger (TarasZ)
оставайся на связи, не пропадайdon't be a stranger (синонимичное выражение – keep in touch Scarlett_dream)
оставаться безнаказаннымget away with (Taras)
оставаться бесстрастнымnot bat an eye (The reporter didn't bat an eyelash while reading the gruesome news. Slava)
оставаться в выигрышеstay ahead of the game (malwarebytes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться в душе ребёнкомbe a child at heart (Andrey Truhachev)
оставаться в обоймеstay relevant (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться в струеstay relevant (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться в тениstand in the background (Bobrovska)
оставаться в тениremain in the background (Bobrovska)
оставаться вернымstay true (to something) e.g., "By staying true to the series' heritage..." 4uzhoj)
оставаться друзьямиstay friends (But an increasing number of celebrities are now choosing to stay friends with their ex. collinsdictionary.com Natalia D)
оставаться загадкойremain under wraps (Yeldar Azanbayev)
оставаться на бумагеbe remaining on paper (financial-engineer)
оставаться позадиride the bench (marina_aid)
оставаться преданнымwalk the line (VLZ_58)
оставаться при своём мненииstick to one's guns (I really respect Sarah. She always sticks to her guns, even if others disagree Taras)
оставаться сейчас на бумагеbe remaining on paper for the present (financial-engineer)
оставаться спокойным и невозмутимымkeep one's feet on the ground (slarti)
оставаться "тайной за семью печатями"remain a mystery (Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться хладнокровнымkeep a cool head (VLZ_58)
остаётся всего ничегоmove within touching distance (4uzhoj)
остаётся догадыватьсяexercise for the reader (A subject, debate, or other matter that is not decided or dealt with directly by the author or presenter, but rather is left up to the judgment or interpretation of the observer, reader, or addressee. The report merely details the spending practices of the parties concerned; whether or not these payments were dubious in nature is left as an exercise for the reader. The politician's speech made broad references to invigorating the economy with practical, no-nonsense measures–what such measures might be, though, was left as an exercise for the reader. VLZ_58)
остаётся надеятьсяhave to take pot luck (They had no menus so if you wanted anything you had to take pot luck you weren't going to be ripped off. 4uzhoj)
остаётся только гадатьanyone's guess (Баян)
об этом остаётся только мечтатьсhance would be a fine thing! (UK informal: "You should relax a bit more." "Chance would be a fine thing." cambridge.org Shabe)
остаётся уповать на глубокую старостьsenility will do its job (Yeldar Azanbayev)
по этой причине оно остаётся актуальнымfor that reason, it is here it stay (Alex_Odeychuk)
положение остаётся сложнымwe're not out of the woods yet ("I want to make it clear: we're not out of the woods yet. What we'd like to see is a long steady rain that will soak into the forest and into the ground," Tucker said. "That will help us more than a short burst that would bring lightning and could spark a new wildfire." ART Vancouver)
при этом каждая сторона остаётся в выигрышеone hand washes the other (and both wash the face; The criminal organization has several politicians and most of the police force in its pocket, with everyone seeing a profit from illegal activities. One hand washes the other, and both are washing the face! Val_Ships)
суть остаётся в силеthe point stands (6Grimmjow6)
факт остаётся фактомthe point stands (6Grimmjow6)
факт остаётся фактомfact remains (Ivan Pisarev)
являться и оставатьсяbe and remain (igisheva)