
Terms for subject Microsoft containing основная | all forms | exact matches only
основная база данныхprincipal database
основная база данныхprimary database (Andy)
основная валютаpivot currency (The currency against which exchange rates are entered in the rate measure group)
основная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Major (Windows 8 Rori)
основная виртуальная машинаprimary virtual machine (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
основная громкостьmain volume (Andy)
основная группа приложенияApplication Basic Group (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
основная единица измеренияprimary unit (The measurement used to define the most commonly sold unit of a product)
основная загрузочная записьmaster boot record (The first sector on a hard disk, which begins the process of starting the computer. The MBR contains the partition table for the disk and a small amount of executable code called the master boot code; MBR)
основная защитаprimary protection (A type of protection in which data on the protected server is directly protected by a primary DPM Server)
основная зонаprimary zone (A copy of the zone that is administered locally)
основная кнопка мышиprimary mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
основная лицензияbase license (Andy)
основная памятьmain memory (The amount of memory physically installed on your device (as opposed to on a storage card))
основная платаbase board (Enotte)
основная система службы отчётов о состоянии клиентовclient status reporting host system (microsoft.com bojana)
основная страницаlobby page (A page of information about the broadcast that is displayed in the viewer's browser before the broadcast begins. It can contain a title, subject, host's name, information about the broadcast, and a countdown to the time of the broadcast)
основная таблица файловmaster file table (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
основная установкаmain setup (Andy)
основная установкаmaster installation
основная фаза поддержкиmainstream support (Basic customer support for software, hardware, multimedia, and Business Solutions included in the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy, such as no-charge incident support, paid incident support, support charged on an hourly basis, support for warranty claims, and hotfix support)
основная формаmain form (A form that contains one or more subforms)