
Terms for subject General containing организационно-правовая | all forms | in specified order only
в любой организационно-правовой формеin any form of business organization (Alexander Demidov)
изменение организационно-правовой формыchange of corporate form
независимо от организационно-правовой формы, формы собственности и подчиненияof any type, public or private (It is ludicrous to suggest that a mere loan between entities of any type, public or private, constitutes “control” over the borrower. 4uzhoj)
Общероссийский классификатор организационно-правовых формAll-Russian Classification of Business Structures (Alexander Demidov)
Общероссийский классификатор организационно-правовых формAll-Russian Classifier of Organizational-Legal Forms (E&Y ABelonogov)
организационно-правовая схемаorganizational and legal framework (The assessment had two components: (i) an institutional analysis of the organizational and legal framework of the education system; and (ii) the identification of ... | New draft to amend the organizational and legal framework of National Tariff Commission (NTC) is ready and will be presented to the Cabinet for approval any time soon, said the Minister for Commerce while chairing a meeting. Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаorganizational-legal form (E&Y ABelonogov)
организационно-правовая формаbusiness organisation (UK texbook on Business Law Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаform of enterprise (AD Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаform of business organization (This guide covers everything from choosing the form of business organization to business loans, issues for employers, tax information and much more. Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаbusiness structure (Choose Your Business Structure | The U.S. Small Business ... Learn about the different types of business structures and find the one best ... Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаformation type (understanding business formation types in California sankozh)
организационно-правовая формаform of business (We can help you set up your small or home-based business from choosing the form of business to setting up your bookkeeping software. Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаform of business entity (From choosing the form of business entity, providing advice on a myriad of contractual matters, to assisting in the legal needs from business operation to sales ... Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаtype of business organisation (AD Alexander Demidov)
организационно-правовая формаorganizational and legal form (S.J. Reynolds ABelonogov)
организационно-правовая формаform of business ownership (Usage: In commercial law, limited liability is a *form of business ownership* in which business owners are legally responsible for no more than the amount that they have contributed to a venture. visitor)
организационно-правовая формаlegal organizational form (Lavrov)
организационно-правовая формаtype of business (parntership, LTD, PLC, JSC etc. Алексей Леонов)
организационно-правовая формаform of legal entity's incorporation (mascot)
организационно-правовая форма компанииnature of company (emirates42)
организационно-правовое положениеregulatory status (Кунделев)
организационно-правовыеprocedural and institutional (Кунделев)
организационно-правовые аспектыprocedural and institutional aspects (Кунделев)
организационно-правовые особенностиspecial organizational and legal considerations (relating to ABelonogov)
сменить организационно-правовую формуre-incorporate (Seattle was re-incorporated as a city on December 2, 1869. WK Alexander Demidov)
специальная организационно-правовая структураspecial purpose vehicle (может быть в виде компании, но очень часто бывает в виде траста (перепост пользователя finereader с форума АЛ Лингво 4uzhoj)
юридическое лицо любой организационно-правовой формыany incorporated legal entity (Alexander Demidov)