
Terms for subject General containing опытно-промышленная | all forms | in specified order only
в опытно-промышленных условияхunder semi-commercial conditions (Alexander Demidov)
опытно-промышленная разработкаpilot commercial development
опытно-промышленная эксплуатацияexperimental and industrial operation (VictorMashkovtsev)
опытно-промышленная эксплуатацияpilot and field testing (soa.iya)
опытно-промышленная эксплуатацияpilot operation (Alexander Demidov)
опытно-промышленные испытанияpilot testing (Pilot Testing is defined as a type of Software Testing that verifies a component of the system or the entire system under a real-time operating condition. It verifies the major functionality of the system before going into production. | Pilot testing is a rehearsal of your research study, allowing you to test your research approach with a small number of test participants before ... | Pilot testing (a session or two before the real test) helps fine-tune usability studies, leading to more reliable results. | Pilot testing is a small-scale trial, where a few examinees take the test and comment on the mechanics of the test. They point out any problems with the test instructions, instances where items are not clear, and formatting and other typographical errors and/or issues. Alexander Demidov)
опытно-промышленные работыpilot work (ABelonogov)
опытно-промышленныйexperimental-industrial (ABelonogov)
опытно-промышленныйtest output (before mass release ABelonogov)
опытно-промышленный образецcommercial prototype (Alexander Demidov)
опытные и опытно-промышленные работы по испытанию различных технологийexperimental or industrial experiment work to test various technologies (ABelonogov)