
Terms for subject Microsoft containing оповещений | all forms
автоматически получать настройки оповещения об отсутствии на работе из OutlookAutomatically retrieve Out Of Office settings from Outlook (An option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab. When this option is selected, Communicator obtains the user's Out Of Office information from Outlook and displays it as part of the user's status)
административное оповещениеadministrative alert (An alert that relates to server and resource use. Administrative alerts notify users about problems in areas such as security and access, user sessions, server shutdown due to power loss (when an uninterruptible power supply is available), directory replication, and printing. When a computer generates an administrative alert, a message is sent to a predefined list of users and computers)
административные оповещенияadministrative alerts (Win platon)
владелец оповещенияalert owner (The person who is assigned the alert and who is working on it)
диспетчер оповещенийalerts manager (A feature that allows someone to manage their Windows Live alerts. Rori)
журнал оповещений DPMDPM Alerts log (A log that stores DPM alerts as Windows events so that the alerts can be displayed in Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM))
журнал оповещенийalert history (A list of the alerts that a Windows Live Messenger customer has received)
журналы и оповещения производительностиPLA (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds)
журналы и оповещения производительностиPerformance Logs and Alerts (A Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) API that enables application programmers to log system performance and diagnosis data, and to generate alert notifications based on performance counter thresholds. Rori)
задержка оповещенияalert latency (The delay between when an alert is raised and when an alert is displayed on the MOM console)
значок оповещенияalert icon (Andy)
имя оповещенияalert name (The name of a MOM alert)
информационное оповещениеinformation alert
Источник оповещенияAlert Source (The control that specifies the user-defined alert source name. If no name is defined, the default is the event source name)
критерий оповещенияalert criteria (The criteria that, if met, trigger an alert)
критические оповещенияcritical alert
критическое оповещениеcritical alert (An alert that indicates that a protection group requires immediate attention. Critical problems are caused by significant abnormal (unexpected) behavior that affects data protected by DPS)
окно оповещенияdesktop alert window (A window that pops up on the Windows desktop in response to an event, for example, receiving email)
оповещение о поступившем мгновенном сообщенииincoming instant message alert (A notification that the user receives when someone sends an instant message to that user)
оповещение о приглашении участвовать в беседеincoming conversation alert (A notification that the user receives when someone is sending an invitation to the user to begin a conversation in Lync or Communicator)
оповещения по электронной почтеEmail Alerts (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
оповещения поискаSearch Alerts (A feature that monitors a user's saved searches and sends regular E-mail summaries with new and updated matching results. The user can provide feedback on the results to tune the saved search query for better results)
Отменить вывод оповещенийSuppress Alerts (Office System 2010 Rori)
очередь автоотчётов с оповещениемsignoff queue (A queue type that is used for reports that the user has not seen before. It is utilized when a user is not to be notified when the event occurs, but is to be notified prior to reporting the event. Rori)
пересылка оповещенияalert forwarding
Получать оповещения о состоянииTag for Presence Alerts (A menu item that marks the selected contact so the user will receive presence alerts when this contact's presence changes from anything to Available or from anything to Unavailable)
правило генерации оповещенийalert rule (A specification of the set of conditions that, when met, will trigger a notification)
предупреждающее оповещениеwarning alert (An alert that helps users diagnose potential problems with their data protection schema)
приложение "Оповещение"Announcement application (A call management component of Enterprise Voice that causes unassigned calls to be transferred to a predetermined destination, or to play an audio announcement, or both. Rori)
служба оповещенийAlerter service (A service used by the server and other services to notify selected users and computers of administrative alerts that occur on a computer)
служба оповещения для конференц-связиConferencing Announcement service (A unified communications application that plays tones and prompts on certain actions, such as when conference participants enter or leave a conference, and when participants are muted or unmuted. This service is automatically installed and activated by default when you deploy a Conferencing workload and select the dial-in conferencing option)
социальное оповещениеsocial update (An action taken on Windows Live or on partner websites such as Facebook that is considered to have social relevance and that might appear in an activity feed. For example, photo activity and status updates are considered to be socially relevant. Within Windows Live, friends see one another's relevant actions in feeds within Messenger, on Windows Live Home, and other places. Depending on the partner and their settings, actions that a customer takes on Windows Live may be visible on partner sites, actions they take on partner sites may be visible on Windows Live, or both)
социальные оповещенияSocial updates (The UI label for the Hotmail quick view that displays only the e-mail messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook)
средство оповещений RFIDRFID Tray (An application that resides in the System Tray. This application receives alerts from the RFID server and displays them as popups)
управление оповещениямиmanage alerts (microsoft.com bojana)
управление оповещениямиalert management (ptraci)
уровень оповещения Защитника WindowsWindows Defender alert level (A classification of software that help you quickly understand if the item is harmful and whether you need to take action immediately or if you should review more details)