
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing окажутся | all forms
может оказатьсяmight turn out to be (That she is a sucker for the men and might take up with a stranger who might turn out to be a crook. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
оказавшись в водеonce in the water (The pair kept the stranded skate wet and tried to move it into some standing water nearby. "We pulled it by its tail into a tide pool," Pospisil tells V.I.A. "Skates do not have poisonous barbs like a stingray. They have small thorns to be wary of like a small prickle bush." Once in the water, the skate was able to breathe again; Pospisil adds that the tide was coming in to give it a route to the ocean again. -- Оказавшись в воде, скат снова смог дышать. vancouverisawesome.com ART Vancouver)
оказать глубокое влияниеhave a profound influence (on sb., sth. – на кого-л., что-л.: The Brownings and Wordsworth used to visit Ledbury; John Masefield was born there and said that the Hereford scene had a profound influence on his work. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
оказать глубокое влияниеaffect profoundly (What event in your film career has most profoundly affected you? – оказало на вас наиболее глубокое влияние ART Vancouver)
оказать глубокое влияниеprove deeply influential (The book has proved deeply influential in the West as well as the East. ART Vancouver)
оказать значительное влияние наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
оказать огромное влияниеhave a huge impact (on – на ART Vancouver)
оказать огромное влияниеgreatly influence (Height and sexual development are not exclusively dependent on hormones, they are greatly influenced by inherited traits. – на них оказывают огромное / большое влияние ART Vancouver)
оказать существенное влияние наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
оказаться безрезультатнымcome to nothing (igisheva)