
Terms for subject General containing озеленение | all forms | exact matches only
благоустройство и озеленениеgeneral improvement and landscaping (ABelonogov)
благоустройство и озеленениеamenities and landscaping (Alexander Demidov)
благоустройство и озеленениеlandscaping and planting (emirates42)
благоустройство и озеленениеlandscaping (Serge Ragachewski)
Департамент озелененияparks department (taniko1983)
заниматься озеленениемgreen (Make (an urban or desert area) more verdant by planting trees or other vegetation.: ‘Well, greening our cities is what the program's about today.' 'More)
заниматься озеленением территорииlandscape
зона озелененияlandscaped area (Alexander Demidov)
компенсационное озеленениеremedial landscaping (Whilst the industry had for many years voluntarily adopted a range of remedial landscaping techniques, such as the hydro-seeding of its steep sided bench ... Alexander Demidov)
озеленение и благоустройствоlandscaping and infrastructure development (As the value of the property is improved through landscaping and infrastructure development, the market value will increase as well as the potential borrowing ... | ... soil conservation, future site re-use, landscaping, and infrastructure development. | We do this in many ways, particularly using our expertise in gardening, landscaping and infrastructure development to encourage outdoor activity with all its ... Alexander Demidov)
озеленение крышgreen-roofing (КГА)
озеленение территорииlandscape gardening (the profession or activity of making a garden or area of land more attractive by adding trees, plants, and other special features. MED Alexander Demidov)
озеленение территорийlandscaping (Alexander Demidov)
озеленение экономикиgreening of economy (Kinglet)
пескозащитное озеленениеsand control landscaping (ABelonogov)
площадь озелененияlandscaping area (VictorMashkovtsev)
полоса озелененияlandscaping area (Bauirjan)
полоса озелененияgreen planting zone (Bauirjan)
противоэрозионное озеленениеerosion protection landscaping (ABelonogov)
работы по озеленениюlandscape gardening (the job of designing and creating attractive parks and gardens. OALD Alexander Demidov)
снегозащитное озеленениеsnow control landscaping (ABelonogov)