
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing один другому | all forms | in specified order only
в одно ухо влетает, а из другого вылетаетit goes in one ear and straight out of the other (Jokingly he added: "I constantly have to lecture Mark Collett about all sorts of things. He is a pig ignorant man. Often it goes in one ear and straight out of the other." bbc.co.uk)
в одно ухо влетело, в другое вылетелоin at one ear, out at the other
выводить из строя один за другимbowl over like ninepins (Bobrovska)
говорить в одном месте одно, а в другом месте – другоеtalk from two sides of one's mouth (также: talk out of both sides of one's mouth, speak out of both sides of one's mouth Beforeyouaccuseme)
говорить одному одно, а другому – другоеtalk from two sides of ones's mouth (также: talk out of both sides of one's mouth, speak talk out of both sides of one's mouth Beforeyouaccuseme)
занимаясь то одним, то другимwhat with one thing and another (‘Who?' ‘Mr Filmer, the Cabinet Minister. He is staying in the house. Surely even you must have heard of Mr Filmer?' ‘Oh, rather,' I said, though as a matter of fact the bird was completely unknown to me. What with one thing and another, I'm not frightfully up in the personnel of the political world. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
кто-то силён в одном, кто-то силён в другомhorses for courses (george serebryakov)
один другогоeach is better than the last (~ лучше-; устойчивая конструкция each + (to be) + Compar. Adj.+ than the last Баян)
один за другимin a row (won the title for three years in a row Val_Ships)
одна нога здесь, другая тамquick like a bunny (Hey, can you drive me to the mall? I have a few things to pick up, but I'll be quick like a bunny, I promise Завмаюмах)
одно ведёт к другомуPandora's box (Yeldar Azanbayev)
одно ведёт к другомуsnowball effect (Yeldar Azanbayev)
одно дело ... и совсем другое дело ...it's one thing... and/but it's totally/quite another (It's one thing when she walks in and I'm playing video games. It's another when she walks in and I'm playing a 12 year old game. Баян)
Одно дело-говорить, другое дело-делать!the devil is in the details (Andrey Truhachev)
одно за другимin a row (Yeldar Azanbayev)
одно за другимPandora's box (Yeldar Azanbayev)
одно за другимsnowball effect (Yeldar Azanbayev)
отказавшись от одной политической партии перейти в другуюcross the aisle (Тo resign from one's political party and join another party Interex)
под стать один другомуbirds of a feather (about people having similar characters, backgrounds, interests, or beliefs Val_Ships)
с одного конца земли до другогоfrom China to Peru (выражение создано С.Джонсоном – английским писателем и знаменитым лексикографом Aspect)
сложить одно с другимput two and two together (о чём-либо очевидном: I was just a little suspicious from the very first, but I dare say I should have gone on being puzzled indefinitely if you hadn't handed me that flat piece of wax. And then, when I came to two and two together, I came to the conclusion that the man who was one of the four card players was the possessor of an artificial joint to his thumb, and that he lost it in the struggle you had with him in the library at Seagrane Holt on the night of the Earl's death. net.au)
у тебя в одно ухо влетает,в другое вылетаетit goes right over your head (AlexandraM)
ясно отличать одну вещь от другойkeep things straight (These two bottles look so much alike. It's hard to keep them straight. lop20)