
Terms for subject Microsoft containing ограничение на | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Вставлена хранимая процедура отключения ограничений или триггеров в статье "%1" на время создания одновременных моментальных снимков в базу данных распространителяInserted stored proc to disable constraint/triggers article "%1" during concurrent snapshot into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
изменение ограничения на количество элементовModify Cardinality Constraint (Visual Studio 2008 Rori)
конфигурация на основе ограниченийConstraint-based configuration (A configuration technology that uses constraints to develop product masters and to configure distinct products. Rori)
ограничение на использование ЦПCPU cap (The maximum amount of CPU time that can be consumed by each processor to ensure that no application nor virtual machine blocks the system. This is mostly used in virtualization)
ограничение на уровне столбцовcolumn-level constraint (A constraint definition that is specified within a column definition when a table is created or altered)
ограничение попыток входа на FTPFTP Logon Attempt Restrictions (An IIS feature that restricts the number of failed logon attempts that can be made to an FTP account in a specified time period. Rori)
ограничение попыток входа на FTPFTP Logon Attempt Restrictions (An IIS feature that restricts the number of failed logon attempts that can be made to an FTP account in a specified time period)
ограничения на объём памятиmemory limits (stachel)
у общих ресурсов не должно быть ограничений на число одновременно работающих пользователейShares shouldn't have concurrent user limit (Windows 8 ssn)
установка ограничения на использование ЦПCPU capping (The use of CPU caps)