
Terms for subject Informal containing обычное | all forms | exact matches only
встать позже обычногоsleep in (Юрий Гомон)
девушка среднего, обычного телосложенияinbetweeny (не спортивная, не худая и не толстая happyhope)
заниматься своим обычным деломply one's trade (Fishermen in small boats ply their trade up and down the coast. Val_Ships)
обычная история!the same old story!
обычная почтаsmail (от "snail mail" snowleopard)
обычное бла-бла-блаyada,yada,yada (Val_Ships)
обычное делоroutine (Abysslooker)
обычное делоit must be Tuesday (Taras)
обычное делоall in a day's work (if something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual is all in a day's work for someone, it is a normal part of their job; the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good or bad: For war reporters, dodging snipers' bullets is all in a day's work. • Oh, solving technological crises is all in a day's work for those of us in IT. Stargaze)
обычное делоit's all in a day's work (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: He waved my thanks aside. 'It's all in a day's work.' Stargaze)
обычное делоpar for the course (It's par for the course that the second I'm stepping out the door for a date that I get called into work. igisheva)
обычное дело дляtypical of (кого-л., чего-л. Abysslooker)
обычное явлениеpar for the course (It's par for the course that the second I'm stepping out the door for a date that I get called into work. VLZ_58)
обычные гражданеrank and file citizens (Andrey Truhachev)
Обычные, заурядные людиTom, Dick or Harry (The Forty Two)
обычный гопникcommon hoodlum (Alex_Odeychuk)
обычный детсадmainstream kindergarten
обычный ритм повседневной жизниthe groove of everyday life (Val_Ships)
обычный садикmainstream kindergarten
обычный человекnormie (xmoffx)
помещение меньше обычного размераbandbox
проспать дольше обычногоsleep in (Юрий Гомон)
самый обычныйbog standard (org.uk BroKE)