
Terms for subject Religion containing общество друг друга | all forms
Всемирный консультационный комитет "Общества друзей"Friends World Committee for Consultation (International organization of Quakers founded in the U.S.A. in 1937)
Всеобщая конференция "Общества друзей"Religious Society of Friends (General Conference)
Всеобщая конференция "Общества друзей"Friends General Conference (Continental association of several yearly and monthly meetings of Quakers in the United States)
Общее собрание "Общества друзей"Friends United Meeting (Cooperative organization that unites 14 yearly meetings of Quakers for fellowship and mutual projects)
Общество друзейSociety of Friends Christian group that arose in the mid-17th century in England and the American colonies, advocating direct inward apprehension of God without creeds, clergy, or other ecclesiastical forms
собрание "Общества друзей"Quaker meeting