
Terms for subject Microsoft containing общее | all forms | exact matches only
автономная общая сетевая папкаoffline shared network location (microsoft.com bojana)
большинство узлов и общих папокNode and Fileshare Majority (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
в общих целяхgeneral usage (Windows Vista, Windows 7 Rori)
виртуальная общая папкаvirtual shared folder (A mailbox folder structure on some IMAP servers in which mail folders are accessed with the administrator username and password, and shell login access to the mail server is not allowed. Access to specific mailboxes is managed by access control lists. This means that users are assigned the permissions to only access their mailbox folder, while an administrator has access to all mailboxes. This allows organizations to use administrative credentials to migrate e-mail from an IMAP server to Outlook Live)
вкладка "Общие"General tab (In the Exchange Server user interface, the main tab on the properties page)
внешний общий доступexternal sharing (stachel)
внутренний телефон общего пользованияhot-desk phone (A shared telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition or Communicator Phone Edition which gives users full desk-phone functionality. Users log on to their user accounts and the features, policies, and settings associated with the user account will apply for as long as the user is logged on)
Выбрать сетевой общий ресурс для архивацииSelect network share as backup target (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
Выполняется инициализация сопоставления локальных путей путям общей сетевой папкиInitializing local to network share path mapping (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
выпуск для общего распространенияgeneral distribution release (A single, cumulative package composed of one or more files used to address a problem in a product. It is intended for public use and is made available on external websites)
выпуск исправлений для общего распространенияgeneral distribution release fix (A single, cumulative package composed of one or more files used to address a problem in a product. It is intended for public use and is made available on external websites)
диск ограничивает общую производительностьdisk bottleneck (A condition that occurs when disk performance is reduced to the extent that overall system performance is affected)
дистрибутивный общий ресурсdistribution share (A folder that contains the source files for Windows products that you install. It may also contain additional device drivers and application files)
дистрибутивный общий ресурсdistribution folder (The folder created on the distribution server to contain the Setup files)
Дополнительные параметры общего доступаAdvanced Sharing Settings (thevista.ru bojana)
запустить общий доступ к приложениям или доскуStart Application Sharing or Whiteboard (The button on the toolbar in a conversation window that starts a sharing session with the participants of the current conversation)
идентификационное утверждение на общее имяCommon Name identity claim (Windows 7 Rori)
имя общего ресурсаshare name (A name that refers to a shared resource on a server. Each shared folder on a server has a share name used by personal computer users to refer to the folder. Users of Macintosh computers use the name of the Macintosh-accessible volume that corresponds to a folder, which may be the same as the share name)
мастер общих папок доменаDomain Folder Sharing Wizard (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
на все вопросы анкеты необходимо ответить, используя общий веб-узел?All questionnaires are to be answered using the public Web site? (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
Найдите сетевую общую папку, содержащую этот архив.please locate the network share containing the backup. (Windows Vista)
Найти содержимое на локальном компьютере или в общем сетевом ресурсеLocate content on a local computer or a network share (Windows 8 Rori)
начать сеанс общего доступаStart Sharing
общая адресная книгаshared address book (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
общая база данныхshared database (A database that is shared out to other users. These users create their own local copies, which are periodically synchronized with the shared database)
общая база данных с многопользовательским режимом доступаmultiuser shared database (ssn)
общая библиотекаshared library (A container for assumptions and metadata (dimensions, hierarchies, forms and reports, inter-model mappings, DTS packages that are used by PerformancePoint Server, and PerformancePoint Server data sources) that are global to any child model site of the root model site, or of a model site with which the library is associated. The assumptions and metadata of a shared library are for the exclusive consumption of these child models and are not available outside their immediate model family)
общая библиотекаShared library (Chocky)
общая веб-частьshared Web Part (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in shared view. Rori)
общая вкладкаglobal tab (Andy)
общая группа отказоустойчивых кластеровFailover Cluster Common (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
общая группа размещенияShared Hosting Group (Azure Azure vCurrent Katal Rori)
Общая диагностикаgeneral troubleshooting (Andy)
общая избранная ссылкаshared favorite (" A webpage link saved as a .url file in someone's "Shared favorites" folder. For example, shared favorites can be created directly within SkyDrive, or via the Windows Live Toolbar.")
общая книгаshared workbook (A workbook that is configured to allow multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users)
общая очередьpublic queue (For Message Queuing, a queue that is published in Active Directory and replicated throughout a Windows enterprise. Public queues can, therefore, be located by any computer running Message Queuing within the enterprise)
общая памятьshared memory (A portion of memory used by parallel-processor computer systems to exchange information)
общая папкаshared folder (A folder on another computer that has been made available for other people to use on the network)
общая папкаshared directory (harser)
общая папкаpublic folder
общая папкаshare (ssn)
общая папка библиотекиlibrary share (A share that has been added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. To be available for use in creating virtual machines, a resource must be stored on a library share and must be added to the Virtual Machine Manager library. When a library server is added to Virtual Machine Manager, shares on the library server are automatically discovered)
общая папка библиотеки коллекции командного проектаteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
общая папка библиотеки командного проектаteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
общая папка библиотеки только для чтенияread-only library share (A library share that is assigned to a private cloud and that is used to share resources to self-service users that deploy services to that private cloud)
общая папка "входящие"linked inbox (A list of two or more email inboxes that have been linked so that users can view their email from all linked accounts at the same time. The accounts themselves are not combined. Rori)
общая папка "входящие"linked inbox (A list of two or more email inboxes that have been linked so that users can view their email from all linked accounts at the same time. The accounts themselves are not combined)
общая папка пакетаpackage share (A network share that includes the software installation files for a package)
общая переменнаяpublic variable (A variable you declare with the Public keyword in the Declarations section of a module. A public variable can be shared by all the procedures in every module in a database)
общая производительность приложенияthe overall performance of the application (Alex_Odeychuk)
общая сборкаshared assembly (An assembly that can be referenced by more than one application. An assembly must be explicitly built to be shared by giving it a cryptographically strong name)
общая сетевая папкаnetwork shared folder (microsoft.com bojana)
общая сетевая папкаshared network location (microsoft.com bojana)
общая сетевая папкаnetwork share (microsoft.com bojana)
общая скидка для позиции строкиTotal Line Item Discount Amount (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
общая скидка по строкеTotal line discount (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общая скоростьtotal bitrate (ssn)
общая скорость потокаtotal bitrate (ssn)
общая служба подключения к бизнес-даннымBusiness Data Connectivity Shared Service (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
общая строка менюglobal menu bar (A special custom menu bar that replaces the built-in menu bar in all windows in your application, except where you've specified a custom menu bar for a form or report)
общая сумма амортизацииTotal depreciation amount (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
Общая сумма для возможной сделкиTotal amount for the opportunity (Dynamics CRM 5.0)
общая сумма скидки по предложениюTotal Quote Discount Amount (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общая точка распространенияshared distribution point (A distribution point in a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy that clients can use to download the content and packages that have been migrated to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager)
общая цена в дополнительной валютеAdd.-Currency Total Price (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
общее адресное пространствоshared address space (A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address space or domain suffix that is shared by two different messaging systems. For example, you may have to share the SMTP address space between Microsoft Exchange and a third-party e-mail system, or between Exchange environments that are configured in different Active Directory forests. In these scenarios, users in each e-mail system have the same domain suffix as part of their e-mail addresses)
общее времяtotal time (The time that is elapsed between the time a function starts execution until the time it terminates execution. This is the sum of this function's internal processing time and all its callees total time)
общее время переходаedge total time (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function)
общее время переходаedge total time (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function. Rori)
общее время прерыванийtotal interrupt time (Windows ssn)
общее измерениеshared dimension (A dimension created within a database that can be used by any cube in the database)
общее имяshared name (A name that consists of an assembly's identity-its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)-strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly. Because the assembly manifest contains file hashes for all the files that constitute the assembly implementation, it is sufficient to generate the digital signature over just the one file in the assembly that contains the assembly manifest. Assemblies with the same strong name are expected to be identical)
общее контекстное меню дляglobal shortcut menu (A custom shortcut menu that replaces the built-in shortcut menu for the following objects – fields in table and query datasheets; forms and form controls in Form view, Datasheet view, and Print Preview; and reports in Print Preview)
общее представлениеshared view (A view of a list or Web Part Page that every user who has the appropriate permissions can see)
общее расписаниеshared schedule (Schedule information that can be referenced by multiple items)
Общее число "грязных" страниц в системном кэшеTotal number of dirty pages on the system cache (Windows 8 Rori)
Общее число добавленных записей кэша шаблоновTemplate Cache Total Records Added (Office System 2010 Rori)
общее число записейtotal records (Office System 2010, Visio 2013 Rori)
Общее число исключённых записей кэша шаблоновTemplate Cache Total Records Evicted (Office System 2010 Rori)
общее число обработанных удержанийTotal number of holds processed (Office System 2010 Rori)
общие беседыPublic Conversations (A wall in Dynamics CRM for conversations that are marked as being able to be seen by the entire organization)
общие видеозаписиpublic videos (microsoft.com denton)
общие границыshared borders (Page regions reserved for content that you want to appear consistently on all your web pages. Shared borders usually contain link bars – hyperlinks to the other pages in the current web site)
общие группыcommon groups (Groups that appear in the program list on the Start menu for all users who log on to the computer. Only administrators can create or change common groups)
Общие заметкиShared notes (The OneNote pages that are shared with everyone in a Room. Once created, they appear in the "lists" panel in the Room UI panorama)
общие заметкиshared notes (stachel)
общие параметрыcommon settings (Andy)
общие параметры соглашения об уровне обслуживанияSLA Common (System Center Service Manager 2012 Rori)
общие сведенияGeneral (The tab that presents the most basic information about an entity/record type or instance/record in the system)
общие службы PerformancePointPerformancePoint common services (A set of commonly-used and shared services such as Logger, Configuration, Security Manager, Resource Manager, Transaction Management, Task and Schedule Manager, Type Library Manager, and Data Access Layer)
Общие фотографииShared photos (The link to photos that only you and people that you select can view (versus public photos that anyone can view))
общие фотографииshared photos (The link to photos that only you and people that you select can view (versus public photos that anyone can view). Rori)
общие шагиshared steps (A group of test steps that can be reused between test cases)
общий веб-узелpublic web site (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
общий доступsharing (microsoft.com bojana)
общий доступ к базе данныхShare Database (An option, found on the Business Contact Manager menu, in the Database Tools selection, that enables the user to share all information in a database)
общий доступ к панели мониторингаShare Dashboard (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
общий доступ к папкамfolder sharing (Arkadi Burkov Arkadi Burkov)
общий доступ к подключению ИнтернетаInternet Connection Sharing (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
общий доступ к подключению ИнтернетаICS (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
общий доступ к приложениямapplication sharing (A feature that allows a user to share documents or applications with others. The user can also choose to give another person control of an application or the user's computer)
Общий доступ к рабочему столуRemote Desktop Sharing (harser)
общий доступ к слайдуSharing slide (A slide on which a presenter can show a shared application or desktop to other meeting participants)
общий доступ к файламFileshare (Windows 8 Rori)
общий заказblanket order (A purchase order with a specific supplier that covers a period of time rather than specific line items. A blanket order can be used to obtain recurring, short-term releases of goods or materials)
общий ИнтернетInternet sharing (Windows Phone 8 Rori)
Общий ИнтернетInternet Sharing (A Microsoft Windows technology that provides home and small-office computer users who have networked computers with the ability to share a single connection to the Internet)
общий источник данныхshared data source (Andy)
общий ключPre-shared key (An option that allows the user to view the code that can be used to authenticate IPSec/L2TP connections (typically VPN connections))
общий ключpre-shared key (harser)
общий кодshared code (Code that is specifically designated to exist without modification in the server project and the client project)
общий код приложенияcommon app code (Alex_Odeychuk)
общий мастер класса C++generic C++ class wizard (ssn)
общий мастер класса C++Generic C++ Class Wizard (A wizard that adds a C++ class to a project. This generic C++ class does not inherit from ATL or MFC)
общий методpublic method (Andy)
общий механизмgeneric engine (ssn)
общий принтерshared printer (A printer that receives input from more than one computer)
общий профильpublic profile (microsoft.com bojana)
общий резерв времениtotal slack (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project)
общий резерв времениtotal slack (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project. Rori)
общий ресурсshared resource (Any information, file, folder, program, device, etc., that is available to multiple users on a network)
Общий ресурсShared As (epson.ru bojana)
общий сетевой ресурсnetwork share (Office System 2013 Rori)
общий сценарийcommon script (In database unit testing, one of the following scripts: TestInitialize or TestCleanup)
общий томshared volume (ssn)
общий том кластераCluster Shared Volume (A feature that simplifies the configuration and management of Hyper-V virtual machines in failover clusters. With CSV, on a failover cluster that runs Hyper-V, multiple virtual machines can use the same disk yet fail over independently of one another. CSV provides increased flexibility for volumes in clustered storage-for example, it allows you to keep system files separate from data to optimize disk performance, even if the system files and the data are contained within virtual hard disk files)
общий том кластераcluster shared volume (ssn)
общий файловый ресурсFileshare (SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
общий ход выполненияoverall progress (Andy)
общий элемент управленияshared control (A Web Parts control that can appear on a Web page and be personalized when the page is in either shared or user-level personalization scope. Note that a shared control can have properties that are both user-scope and shared-scope for personalization purposes)
Определение критериев для общих, юридических и финансовых рисковDefine Risk, Legal, and Financial Exposure Criteria (Project 2007 Rori)
Определение фильтров по допустимым общим, юридическим и финансовым рискамDefine Risk, Legal, and Financial Exposure Tolerance Screens (Project 2007 Rori)
Открыть общий доступ к реплицированной папкеShare the replicated folder (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
отменить общий доступunshare
Печать общей суммы для кода налогаPrint totals per tax code (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
поставщик общих ресурсовShared Resource Provider (A logical unit consisting of shared servies and shared resources. A farm could have multiple SRPs)
поставщик общих ресурсовSRP (A logical unit consisting of shared servies and shared resources. A farm could have multiple SRPs)
поставщик общих службShared Services Provider (A logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources)
поставщик общих службSSP (A logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources)
предоставить общий доступshare (To make resources, such as folders and printers, available to others)
Приостановка репликации общих папок.Suspending public folder replication (Exchange Server 2007 Rori)
продолжить сеанс общего доступаReestablish Sharing Connection ... (An item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current sharing session after disconnection)
продолжить сеанс общего доступаReestablish Sharing Connection
Публикация и подписка на объект файловой системы или общий сетевой ресурс.Publish and subscribe to the file system or network share. (Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
путь к общей папкеshare path (The full name of a resource on a network in the format \\servername\sharename, which can include a directory path under the share name)
путь к общей папкеshare path (The full name of a resource on a network in the format \\servername\sharename, which can include a directory path under the share name. Rori)
разрешения для общей папкиshared folder permissions (Permissions that dictate which users can access a shared folder on a network)
Расширения сетевых общих ресурсов отказоустойчивых кластеровFailover Cluster Network Share Extensions (Windows 8 Rori)
режим общего образаShared Image Mode (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
сеанс общего доступаSharing session
сервер общего доступа к приложениямApplication Sharing Server (A Lync server role that enables users to share their desktop and applications with external users using IM and conferencing. Rori)
система общих типов CTScommon type system (The specification that determines how the common language runtime defines, uses, and manages types)
служба общего кэшаShared Caching Service (The initial managed, multi-tenant cache service offering in Microsoft Azure, introduced in April 2011. Rori)
список общих RSS-каналовCommon RSS Feed List (A feature of Windows which maintains a common list of the user's subscriptions across all applications. This allows the user to subscribe to a feed once and have all RSS-enabled applications able to access the common list to view the subscriptions)
Статья "%1!s!" не может быть добавлена, а индексированное представление, опубликованное как "indexed view logbased", и хранимая процедура в любой форме "proc exec" не могут быть опубликованы, если их общая базовая таблица также опубликованаArticle "%1!s!" can not be added, an indexed view published as 'indexed view logbased' and a stored procedure in either form of 'proc exec" can not be published if their common base table is also published (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
телефонная сеть общего пользованияpublic switched telephone network (Public switched telephone network (PSTN) is used by standard analog telephone lines, available worldwide)
теневые копии общих папокShadow Copies for Shared Folders (A Windows feature that provides access to point-in-time copies of files that are located on shared resources, such as a file server)
То же для всех удалённых подпапок в этой общей папкеdo this for every deleted folder on this network share. (Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
у общих ресурсов не должно быть ограничений на число одновременно работающих пользователейShares shouldn't have concurrent user limit (Windows 8 ssn)
Укажите путь для файлов языковой поддержки на жёстком диске или в общем сетевом ресурсеSpecify the path for language files on a local drive or a network share. (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
упрощённый общий доступsimplified sharing (A streamlined process for sharing Office documents with others)
хранилище данных общих RSS-каналовCommon RSS Data Store (A common data store which provides a single location where applications can access content that has been downloaded to the PC via RSS, including text, pictures, audio, calendar events, documents and just about anything else. All applications will have access to this content for creating rich user experiences)
Центр управления общим доступом к мультимедиа WindowsWindows Media Sharing Center (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
Центр управления общим доступом к мультимедиаMedia Sharing Center (The primary interface used to enable sharing media to other computers and devices, and to access media sharing settings and devices that interact with the media sharing feature. If you enable sharing you can play your favorite music, videos, and pictures on any computer or device in any room in your home)
Центр управления сетями и общим доступомNetwork and Sharing Center (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
Эквивалент общей суммы предложения в базовой валютеBase currency equivalent of the total amount for the quote. (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
экземпляры Пакетной службы общего назначенияGeneral Purpose Batch Instances (The service type of the Batch service for general batch processing. Rori)