
Terms for subject General containing обращение взыскания на | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
иск об обращении взыскания на имущество, заложенное по договору об ипотекеclaim for recovery against property which is pledged under a mortgage agreement (ABelonogov)
обращение взыскания наlevy of execution on (ABelonogov)
обращение взыскания наforeclosure on (Former Kiss star ACE FREHLEY is facing foreclosure on his New York home after allegedly falling behind on payments. | US Bank walks away from foreclosure on Aurora woman Alexander Demidov)
обращение взыскания наrecovery proceedings against (ABelonogov)
обращение взыскания на заложенное имуществоrecovery proceedings against mortgaged property (ABelonogov)
обращение взыскания на заработную платуlevy of execution upon salary (Aidarius)
обращение взыскания на земельный участокlevying of execution on a land parcel (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov)
обращение взыскания на имуществоproperty levy ("Levy" basically means that the officer takes the property (your baseball card collection, for example) or instructs the holder of the property (your bank, for example) to turn it over to the officer. After taking your property, the sheriff or marshal sells it at public auction and applies the proceeds to your debt.: Judgment creditors can use a property levy in order to take certain items of your personal property. nolo.com Alexander Demidov)
обращение взыскания на обеспечениеenforcement of a security interest in (mascot)
обращение взыскания на праваfixing of rights
обращение взыскания на предмет залогаenforcement of the collateral (emirates42)
определение об обращении взыскания на доходыattachment of earnings order (to make attachment of earnings order – выносить определения об обращении взыскания на доходы 4uzhoj)
порядок обращения взыскания на заложенное имуществоprocedure for the levy of execution on pledged property (ABelonogov)
право обращения взыскания наright to levy execution on (that the first judgment established plaintiff's right to levy execution on the carrier's property notwithstanding § 206(g) of the Transportation Act. P. 268 U. S. 293. Alexander Demidov)