
Terms for subject Microsoft containing обратной | all forms | exact matches only
автоматическая обратная передачаautopostback (A process in which the control submits the page when the user interacts with the control. (By default, only button controls cause a postback) For example, if a DropDownList control is set to perform autopostback, the page is submitted as soon as a user selects an item from the list)
автоматическая обратная связь WindowsWindows Automatic Feedback (A generic dialog for enabling both CEIP and WER on multiple machines simultaneously using Server Manager)
асинхронная обратная передаasynchronous postback (In ASP.NET, the process of sending Web page data (plus viewstate and other necessary metadata) from the browser to the server without a complete postback and without blocking the user from continuing to work in the page. Asynchronous postbacks are an important feature of AJAX technology; в ASP.NET – процесс отправки данных веб-страницы (вместе с состоянием представления и другими необходимыми метаданными) серверу из обозревателя, осуществляемый без полной обратной передачи и не препятствующий продолжению работы пользователя. Асинхронная обратная передача является важной функцией технологии AJAX)
Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записиthe attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax. (SQL Server 2012)
Аудиовизуальный профайл с обратной связьюAudio-Visual Profile with Feedback (Himera)
во время выполнения обратного вызоваwhile the callback is running (Alex_Odeychuk)
выполнить обратную записьwrite back (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value)
выполнить обратную записьwrite back (To update a cube cell value, member, or member property value. Rori)
документ обратной связиfeedback document (A document which is sent from Navision to Outlook as a response for a synchronization query. The feedback document contains all errors or conflicts detected by the C/AL code at the Navision Service Tier during the synchronization)
завершение удаления обратного вызова пула потоков из очередиthread pool callback dequeue stop (Windows 7 ssn)
Записать зону обратно в файлWrite back zone to file (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
запуск постановки в очередь обратного вызова пула потоковthread pool callback enqueue start (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
захватить блокировку, в ожидании освобождения которой находится обратный вызовhold a lock that the callback is waiting on (Alex_Odeychuk)
знак обратной косой чертыbackslash (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Интервал обратной записи для зон, хранимых в файлахZone writeback interval for file backed zones. (Windows 8.1)
концентратор обратной связиfeedback hub (A remote server that supports generating and aggregating the response to feedback requests)
начало постановки обратного вызова пула потоков в очередьthread pool callback enqueue start (Windows 7 ssn)
Невозможно выполнить обратную запись ячейки, так как указанная ячейка не существует в пространстве кубаUnable to write back to a cell because the specified cell does not exist in the cube space. (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
оборудование с обратной связьюforced hardware (Andy)
обратная записьwriteback (The result of an operation that occurs when data is entered into a writable cell in a PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel matrix. The data is submitted to PerformancePoint Planning Server, saved to a relational fact table, and then the source data cube is updated)
Обратная запись отправки назначения выполненаan assignment submission write back is done. (PerformancePoint Server 2007 Rori)
Обратная запись отправки назначения завершенаan assignment submission write back is done. (Rori)
обратная отправка страницыpage post back (ssn)
обратная передачаpostback (The process in which a Web page sends data back to the same page on the server)
обратная репликацияreverse replication (The process where replication is established from a virtual machine that was formerly a Replica virtual machine, but is now a primary virtual machine as the result of a failover)
обратная совместимостьbackward compatibility (The capability of source code or programs developed on a more advanced system or compiler version to be executed or compiled by a less advanced (older) version)
обратная совместимость клиентских средствClient Tools Backwards Compatibility (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
обратная ссылкаback reference (" In regular expressions, an element of the form "\dd", where dd represents a decimal value N that matches a sequence of characters in the target sequence that is the same as the sequence of characters that is matched by the Nth capture group.")
обратно совместимыйbackward compatible (Pertaining to a product or version that is able to interact with previous versions)
обратно совместимыйbackward-compatible (Pertaining to a product or version that is able to interact with previous versions)
обратные вызовы лентыRibbon Callbacks (Visual Studio 2012 VS Update Rori)
обратный адресreturn address (The sender's address, to which a letter or parcel can be returned if undeliverable)
Обратный знак – атрибут измеренияReverse Sign Dimension Attribute (Rori)
Обратный знак — атрибут измеренияReverse Sign Dimension Attribute (Rori)
обратный НДСreverse charge VAT (A value-added tax (VAT) on products that is owed by the customer that receives the product, not by the vendor that delivers the product)
обратный объект отношенияrelationship inverse (The opposite end of a relationship, for example, product.Category and category.Product. In the Entity Framework, Code First detects that the objects are related as inverses)
обратный порядок байтовbig endian (Pertaining to a processor memory architecture that stores numbers so that the most significant byte is placed first)
обратный прокси-серверreverse proxy (A proxy server that forwards incoming requests to one or more servers. To a client, the reverse proxy appears as the final destination regardless of whether the client's requests are forwarded to one or more servers)
обратный прокси-сервер HTTPHTTP reverse proxy (A proxy server that forwards incoming requests to one or more servers. To a client, the reverse proxy appears as the final destination regardless of whether the client's requests are forwarded to one or more servers)
обратный просмотрreverse lookup (A query for a pointer (PTR) that resolves an to its corresponding fully qualified domain name)
обратный проходbackward pass (Calculation of late finish and late start dates for project activities, determined by working backward from the project's finish date)
обратный теледатчикinverse telecine
Определяет элемент привязки, используемый в том случае, когда клиент должен предоставлять конечную точку службе для отправки сообщений обратно клиентуDefines the binding element that is used when the client must expose an endpoint for the service to send messages back to the client. (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
остановка удаления из очереди обратного вызова пула потоковthread pool callback dequeue stop (Windows 7 ssn)
Ошибка обратной записи файлаthe file writeback failed. (Windows 8)
переключение в режим обратной совместимостиcompatibility switching (The process of reverting to legacy code when Windows detects that an application needs it to run seamlessly for the end user)
платформа обратной связи WindowsWindows Feedback Platform (A DLL containing the list of problems on a particular computer that require additional data collection for diagnosis)
предопределённый обратный звонокpreset-to callback (A form of security in which a remote access server verifies users by calling them back at numbers supplied by the network administrator at the time user privileges are granted. Only a network administrator can change a preset callback number. This ensures that no one can borrow a user's password and connect to the server from a location other than the user's normal one)
присоединение к конференции обратным звонкомdial-out conferencing (A feature whereby the A/V Conferencing Server calls the user, and the user answers the phone to join the conference)
Режим экстренного обратного вызоваEmergency Callback Mode (A mode the phone goes into after a user calls an emergency number (ex: 911) and the call ends. When the phone is in this mode, only the emergency operator can call the person on their phone, so that the emergency operator can call back or determine where the user is at. The phone is in this mode for about 5 minutes or until the user cancels out of the mode)
синтаксис обратной записиwriteback syntax (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
служба пересылки обратной связи WindowsWindows Feedback Forwarder (A forwarding service that enables you to automatically and securely send feedback to Microsoft after setting up a Group Policy domain or organizational unit. After configuring Group Policy and joining the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), Windows periodically collects and uploads statistical information)
событие: набор номера обратного вызоваcallback number event (Windows 8 ssn)
событие обратной отправки страницыpage post back event (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
средство обратной связиFeedback Tool (A Windows tool that users may use to report their issues to Microsoft)
установить кэш обратной записиSet write-back cache (Windows 8.1 Rori)
форма обратной связиfeedback form (An online form that allows its users to submit their questions, comments and suggestions with a view to enabling improvements)
функция обратного звонкаcallback function
явная или неявная операция обратной записиimplicit or explicit write-back operation (Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 Rori)