
Terms for subject Formal containing обратилась | all forms
обратить внимание на ранние признаки надвигающегося кризисаheed early warnings about the looming crisis (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
обратиться за консультацией к профессионалуseek professional advice (If in doubt, you should seek professional advice. ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюenlist (к кому-л.: Famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber recently recalled an eerie experience wherein he was forced to enlist a priest to banish a poltergeist that was causing commotion in his home. -- обратиться к священнику coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюenlist help (By calling out the name of Jesus, an individual can repel demonic entities, but if someone is under the influence of a full-blown possession, they will need to enlist help to cast out the entity, he said. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
обратиться за помощьюseek assistance (ART Vancouver)
обратиться за разъяснениемseek clarification (возможно во множ. числе: clarifications: The jury took a brief break Friday morning to seek clarifications on the differences between first- and second-degree murder, and manslaughter. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
обратиться кapproach (организации, органу власти: Due to the age of the existing buildings and infrastructure, which require extensive and ongoing repairs, BC Housing approached the City to explore how the site could be redeveloped to best meet the needs of current and future tenants. shapeyourcity.ca ART Vancouver)
обратиться к официальной документацииcheck the official documentation (англ. термин взят из кн.: De Sanctis V. ASP.NET Core and Angular 2 Alex_Odeychuk)
обратиться с жалобойfile a formal complaint (в письменном виде в соотв-щие инстанции: I'll definitely file a formal complaint so this can be investigated. ART Vancouver)
обратиться с просьбойcontact with a request (+ infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: Our users have the ability to close, but not delete, their accounts. You can contact our Help Center team with a request to have your account permanently deleted from our platform.)
обратиться с просьбой в письменном видеgive a written request (A general leave of absence of up to two months may be applied for by giving a written request to the immediate supervisor. ART Vancouver)
просим обратиться кwe refer you to
прошу обратить внимание на то, чтоplease note that (Please note that both registered and beneficial securityholders must complete and return this form by May 31.)