
Terms for subject Microsoft containing номера | all forms | exact matches only
внешний номер сетиexternal network number (A 4-byte hexadecimal number used for addressing and routing purposes on NetWare networks. The external network number is associated with physical network adapters and networks)
диапазон номеров сетиnetwork range
диапазон номеров сети сегментаcable range
для отчётов по расходам и запросов денежных авансов требуется уникальный код последовательности номеров.A number sequence code is required for both Expense reports and Cash advance requests (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
дополнительный номер версииminor version (A version that is in progress or that has changed only slightly since the previous version)
запрошенный логический номер устройстваrequested LUN (microsoft.com ssn)
запрошенный логический номер устройстваrequested logical unit number (Windows 8.1 ssn)
Звонок на мой номерCall Me (A feature of Communicator Web Access in which a user can join a conference by requesting that Office Communications Server call a specified phone number instead of the user placing a call to a conferencing service)
идентификационный номерidentifier
идентификационный номер плательщика федерального налогаfederal tax identification number
идентификационный номер работодателяemployer identification number (In the United States, a 9-digit number that identifies a business entity to the government. A business must have an EIN if it has employees or meets other criteria specified by the federal government)
импульсный набор номераpulse dialing
Индексный номер последнего обработанного идентификатора записиthe index number of the last ID record processed (Windows Server 2003 R2)
классификационный номер экспортного контроляExport Commodity Classification Number (A five character alpha-numeric classification used in the Commerce Control List to identify items for export control purposes as defined in licensing information by the US government)
Копировать номерCopy Number (The button that enables the user to copy the retrieval number of a parked call)
логический номер устройства, LUNlogical unit number (A logical reference to a portion of a storage subsystem. For example, in a disk storage subsystem, a LUN can comprise a disk, a section of a disk, a whole disk array, or a section of a disk array in the subsystem)
международный формат телефонных номеровinternational number format (The string that is used to define how to dial someone from outside of their country/region)
набиратель номераdialer (A form of Trojan that causes systems equipped with modems to dial phone numbers without the consent of the user. In most cases, the phone numbers dialed are premium rate numbers which result in unexpected charges on the affected user's phone bill)
набранный номерOutgoing Number
неправильный тип номера поляwrong type in field number (ssn)
новый номерNew Number (The UI element that opens a dialog box where the user can enter a new phone number for call forwarding)
номенклатурный номерitem number (A number that identifies one type of inventory item)
номер в структуреoutline number (A number that indicates the exact position of a task in an outline. For example, a task with an outline number of 7.2 indicates that it's the second subtask under the seventh top-level summary task)
номер версииversion number (A number assigned by a software developer to identify a particular program at a particular stage, before and after public release. Successive public releases of a program are assigned increasingly higher numbers. Version numbers usually include decimal fractions. Major changes are usually marked by a change in the whole number, whereas for minor changes only the number after the decimal point increases)
номер внутренней сетиinternal network number
номер жиросчётаbank giro number (An address that points to a bank account)
номер заказаorder ID (A number that the system assigns to an order for identification purposes)
номер заказа в накладнойinvoice PO (A commercial document or contract, or the number identifying a commercial document or contract, that is issued by a buyer to a seller that identifies agreed upon prices, goods, payments, and services)
Номер индекса этого порталаIndex number of this portal (Windows 8.1 Rori)
номер логического устройстваLUN (сокр. от logical unit number ssn)
номер логического устройстваLogical Unit number (в Windows Server 2003 R2 ssn)
номер лотаlot ID (A unique identifier that is assigned by the manufacturer for a quantity of material produced as a single lot)
номер обращенияCase No. (The number given to a specific case for identification purposes)
номер ответного звонкаcallback number (The phone number at which the sender of an SMS can be reached that is displayed to the recipient in the SMS itself; it can be a different number than the cell phone number used to send the SMS)
номер ошибкиerror number (A whole number in the range 0 – 65,535 that corresponds to the Number property setting of the Err object. When combined with the Description property setting of the Err object, this number represents a particular error message)
номер партииlot number (A unique identifier that is assigned by the manufacturer for a quantity of material produced as a single lot)
номер партнёраAccount Number (A field label on the Details tab of an account that lists the number assigned to the account. The account number is included as a part of the company profile)
номер платёжной картыprepaid card number
номер подпакетаsubpackage number (SharePoint Portal Server 2007 Rori)
Номер пользователя, присвоенный банком контроллеру / доверенному лицуUser number assigned by the bank for the controller/procurist. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
номер последовательного обновленияUSN In Active Directory replication, a 64-bit counter that is maintained by each Active Directory domain controller. At the start of each update transaction (originating or replicated) on a domain controller, the domain controller increments its current USN and associates this new value with the update request (USN)
номер последовательного обновленияupdate sequence number (USN)
номер производственной операцииrouting number (A record that specifies the sequence of production operations)
номер редакцииrevision number (The number of times something has been revised)
номер сборкиbuild number (A version of a program)
номер сетиnetwork number (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
Номер скрытPrivate (A status message displayed when the caller ID of an incoming call is blocked)
Номер скрытUnknown (A status message for an incoming call that indicates that the caller cannot be identified (e.g. Internet call))
Номер событияEvent No. (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 ssn)
номер состояния ошибкиerror state number (A number associated with SQL Server messages that helps Microsoft support engineers find the specific code location that issued the message)
Номер специфической для приложения категории, назначенный этой записиan application-specific category number assigned to this entry (.NET Framework 4)
Номер ссылки налоговых проводокReference number of sales tax transactions (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
номер строкиrow reference (e.g. in MS Excel tables Aiduza)
Номер строки, указывающий на размещение ошибки в памятиthe Row number of the memory error location (Windows 7)
номер счётаaccount code (The unique identifier for a record that holds the balance relating to any single asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue, or expense of the business)
номер счётаInvoice ID (A text field in the Invoice form. An auto-generated number)
номер телефонаcaller ID (A feature that displays the identity of the originator of an incoming call on the device screen)
номер телефона аудиоконференцииaudio conference line (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
номер SMS-центраSMS center number (The number used to send and receive messages. Rori)
номер экстренного вызоваemergency phone number (A telephone number that connects to a country or region's emergency system (for example, police and fire department))
номер этапа вычисленийcalculation pass number (An ordinal position used to refer to a calculation pass)
Опубликовать этот номер телефонаPublish this phone number
опубликовать этот номер телефонаPublish this phone number
основной номер версииmajor version (A version that is ready for a larger group to see or that has changed significantly since the previous major version)
панель набора номераdial pad (A numeric keypad that is part of a device, is displayed on a device, or is in a computer program that you use to enter information in the context of a phone call)
панель набора номераDial Pad (Enotte)
пара номеров соглашенияagreement number pair (A pair of numbers that is obtained from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center when a customer purchases a Microsoft Volume Licensing agreement. Each agreement number pair contains an agreement or authorization number and a license or enrollment number)
персональный идентификационный номерpersonal identification number (A unique and secret identification code similar to a password that is assigned to an authorized user and used to gain access to personal information or assets via an electronic device)
полностью определённый номер счётаfully qualified account number (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are entered and validated)
порядковый номер столбцаcolumn ordinal (A number that represents the position of the column in a set of columns. So, if a table has 3 columns, named Name, Address, and Zip, in that order, their ordinals are 0, 1, and 2)
последний порядковый номерLast Sequence Number (A number that's assigned by the Provisioning Server to the most recent transaction processed for a specified computer)
последний порядковый номерLast Sequence Number (A number that's assigned by the Provisioning Server to the most recent transaction processed for a specified computer. Rori)
последний порядковый номерLSN (A number that's assigned by the Provisioning Server to the most recent transaction processed for a specified computer)
присваиваемый номерNumber assigned (Office System 2010 Rori)
регистрационный номер транзакции в журналеlog sequence number (A unique number assigned to each entry in a transaction log. LSNs are assigned sequentially according to the order in which entries are created)
серийный номерserial number (A number assigned to a specific inventory item to identify it and differentiate it from similar items with the same item number)
событие: набор номера обратного вызоваcallback number event (Windows 8 ssn)
создание номеров ссылок на платёжCreate payment reference numbers (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Создание учётных номеров клиентов.Generation of customer payment reference numbers (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
страховой номерsocial security number (In the United States, a Taxpayer Identification Number assigned to citizens and some noncitizens. The number is required for anyone to obtain work or to receive governmental benefits, such as social security payments after retirement; SSN)
телефонный номер доступаpilot number (A telephone number that points to a hunt group and is the access number for calls that are routed to Unified Messaging servers)
телефонный номер доступа к единой системе обмена сообщениямиUM access telephone number (A telephone number that points to a hunt group and is the access number for calls that are routed to Unified Messaging servers)
транзитный номер банкаbank transit number (A unique bank registration number that a bank uses to identify itself)
формат набираемого номераdialable format (A phone number format for dialing of internal, operator or emergency numbers by a computer. Calling cards cannot be used with this format)
формат телефонных номеров внутри страныin-country/region number format
формат телефонных номеров внутри страныin-country number format
частично определённый номер счётаpartially qualified account number (A ledger account number in which all segments of an account structure are not entered)