
Terms for subject Proverb containing не против | all forms
не надо плыть против теченияit is ill striving against the stream
не следует плыть против теченияit is ill striving against the stream
против рожна не попрёшьthere is no use sticking your head in the lion's mouth
против рожна не попрёшьdo not kick against the pricks
против рожна не попрёшьhe must needs go whom the devil drives
против рожна не попрёшьneeds must when the devil drives (дословно: Приходится, когда чёрт гонит (т.е. против необходимости ничего не поделаешь))
против рожна не попрёшьthere is no arguing with a large fist (there is no use trying to fight against (or to win, overcome) somebody or something that is stronger than you)