
Terms for subject General containing не отказался бы | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
я бы не отказался отI wouldn't mind (+ gerund: 'Wow! I wouldn’t mind living on that island for a while.' 'Yes. Until you run out of toilet paper.' ART Vancouver)
я бы не отказался отI wouldn't say no to something (lexicographer)
я бы не отказался от стаканчика пиваI wouldn't say no to a glass of beer
я бы не отказался от чашечки чаюI could do with a cup of tea (with an extra loaf of bread, with a square meal, with a drink, etc., и т.д.)
я не отказался бы от чашки чаяI could do with a cup of tea
я не отказался бы от чашки чаяI can do with a cup of tea