
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing не оправдавший надежд | all forms | in specified order only
надежды не оправдалисьhopes were not fulfilled (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes were not justified (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes have not been met (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes were dashed (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes failed to materialize (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes are not fulfilled (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes did not materialize (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes are not met (Ivan Pisarev)
надежды не оправдалисьhopes were not met (Ivan Pisarev)
некто/нечто, не оправдавший надеждall sizzle and no steak (A thing or person which fails to measure up to its description or advanced promotion. Her latest novel is all sizzle and no steak. VLZ_58)