
Terms for subject Microsoft containing немедленное | all forms
для выяснения причин и устранения этой проблемы будут немедленно предприняты коммерчески обоснованные действияwe will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and remedy the problem. (PowerLine 1.0 Rori)
немедленно обновляемая подпискаimmediate updating subscription (A subscription to a transactional publication for which the user is able to make data modifications at the Subscriber. The data modifications are then immediately propagated to the Publisher using the two-phase commit protocol (2PC))
немедленный запросimmediate query (A LINQ query that is evaluated immediately. Any query that returns a single value, as opposed to a sequence of values, or that is terminated by a call to ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, or ToLookup)