
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing нельзя | all forms | exact matches only
как нельзя более вовремяjust in time for (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
как нельзя более кстатиjust in time for (Just in time for the hot weather, we're opening our Ice Cream shop to help cool you off Thurs- Mon 12pm – 6pm! ART Vancouver)
нельзя не задаться вопросомone can't help but to wonder (At some point during this sighting, the couple — and other unnamed eyewitnesses — stated that the UFO emitted a series of “fireballs” as it made its way northward. While these witnesses described “fireballs,” one can’t help but to wonder if these fireballs might be a long distance interpretation of the strange Morse code-like series of illuminated dashes that Jim Drummond claimed to have seen through his telescope. ART Vancouver)
нельзя недооцениватьcan't / should not be underestimated (As much as "location, location, location" remains the number one mantra in the real-estate game, presentation can't be underestimated when it comes to holding a successful open house. ART Vancouver)
нельзя отрицать тот факт, чтоthere is no gainsaying that (grafleonov)
нельзя переоценитьcannot be overstated (The significance of the piece cannot be overstated. -- Значение этой поэмы нельзя переоценить ART Vancouver)
нельзя переоценить важность, значениеthe importance of ... cannot be overstated (As the day begins to heat up, shutting the windows and drawing the blinds helps keep the indoor air cool for as long as possible. The importance of window coverings in this process cannot be overstated. Light-coloured blinds, shades, or curtains can block out the heat of the sun and reduce indoor temperatures significantly. This is especially important for windows facing east or west, which receive the most sunlight. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
ничего нельзя было сделатьthere was nothing you would do about it
хуже и помыслить нельзяin just about the worst way possible (Now, we come to the matter of seeing into the future – but, in just about the worst way possible. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
этого нельзя избежатьthere's just no way around it (ART Vancouver)