
Terms containing недобросовестная конкуренция | all forms | in specified order only
patents.адвокатская деятельность в области недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition counseling
patents.акт недобросовестной конкуренцииact of unfair competition
gen.акт недобросовестной конкуренцииact of unfair competition (any use which constitutes an act of unfair competition within the meaning of Article°10bis of the Paris Convention (1967). | For example, an omission to act can also be considered an act of unfair competition. | The new provision states than an act of unfair competition is committed by: "anyone who, in particular, makes use of general conditions of ... Alexander Demidov)
lawвести недобросовестную конкуренциюbe engaged in unfair competition (Val Voron)
transp.вести недобросовестную конкуренциюbe engaged in unfair competition
lawвести недобросовестную конкуренциюbe engaged in unfair competition (Val Voron)
lawзакон о недобросовестной конкуренцииUCA (Unfair Competition Act Dominator_Salvator)
patents.закон о недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition act
lawзаконодательство о борьбе с недобросовестной конкуренциейunfair competition law (grafleonov)
lawзаконодательство о недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition law (grafleonov)
lawзаконодательство против недобросовестной конкуренцииfair trade laws
econ.защита от недобросовестной конкуренцииprotection against unfair competition (Leviathan)
patents.консультирование по вопросам недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition counseling
adv.методы недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair methods of competition
econ.недобросовестная конкуренцияunethical competition
econ.недобросовестная конкуренцияunscrupulous competition
comp., MSнедобросовестная конкуренцияdeceptive trade practices (Practices that involve misleading or misrepresenting products or services to consumers and customers. In the U.S., these practices are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission at the federal level and typically by the Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection at the state level)
lawнедобросовестная конкуренцияunlawful competition (cubamarina)
lawнедобросовестная конкуренцияunfair business practices (Inchionette)
patents.недобросовестная конкуренцияconcurrence deloyale
patents.недобросовестная конкуренцияunfair competition
patents.недобросовестная конкуренцияpassing off
patents.недобросовестная конкуренцияpalming off
gen.недобросовестная конкуренцияunfair competition (Unfair competition in a sense means that the competitors compete on unequal terms, because favorable or disadvantageous conditions are applied to some competitors but not to others; or that the actions of some competitors actively harm the position of others with respect to their ability to compete on equal and fair terms. It contrasts with fair competition, in which the same rules and conditions are applied to all participants, and the competitive action of some does not harm the ability of others to compete. Often, unfair competition means that the gains of some participants are conditional on the losses of others, when the gains are made in ways which are illegitimate or unjust. wiki Alexander Demidov)
polit.недобросовестная политическая конкуренцияunfair political competition (vleonilh)
transp.охрана от недобросовестной конкуренцииprotection from unfair competition
law, amer.передача на рассмотрение федеральной торговой комиссии вопросов об устранении недобросовестной конкуренцииtrade practice submittal
polit.политическая борьба с использованием приёмов недобросовестной конкуренцииshady politics (Alex_Odeychuk)
law, copyr.права на внешнее оформление, деловую репутацию предприятия и право преследования по суду за контрафакцию или недобросовестную конкуренциюrights in get-up, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition (Aiduza)
lawправа на защиту от недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition rights (Yeldar Azanbayev)
transp.право на защиту от недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition right
patents.практика недобросовестной конкуренцииunfair competition practice
patents.пресекать акты недобросовестной конкуренцииrepress acts of unfair competition
patents.пресечение недобросовестной конкуренцииrepression of unfair competition
gen.создание режима недобросовестной конкуренцииanti-competition practices (The complaint has been filed against the five entities for allegedly engaging in anti-competition practices in granting stockist licence for medicines in Himachal ... Alexander Demidov)
transp.устранение недобросовестной конкуренцииabolition of unfair competition
busin.устранение недобросовестной конкуренцииtermination of unfair competition (4uzhoj)