
Terms containing нарушение принципа | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
lawв нарушение принципов верховенства праваin defiance of rule-of-law principles (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov.вопиющее нарушение основного принципа демократииintolerable transgression against the essence of democracy
Makarov.вопиющее нарушение основного принципа демократииan intolerable transgression against the essence of democracy
lawвопиющее нарушение принципов правосудияoutrage on justice
gen.Маастрихтские руководящие принципы, касающиеся нарушений экономических, социальных и культурных правMaastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (The 1997 Maastricht Guidelines on Violations of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights build on the 1987 Limburg Principles on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and identify the legal implications of acts and omissions which are violations of economic, social and cultural rights.[1] The guidelines were adopted by a group of over thirty experts who convened from 22–26 January 1997 in Maastricht on the occasion of the Limburg Principles' 10th anniversary. WK Alexander Demidov)
chess.term.нарушение дебютных принциповviolation of opening principles
gen.нарушение принципаcontravention of principle (It follows from the foregoing that the answer to be given to the first question is that an employer is in direct contravention of the principle of equal treatment ... | ... it is for the defendant to prove that there has been no contravention of the principle of equality. | The author argues that such direct government intrusion is tantamount to contravention of the principle of freedom of contract, wherein business parties should ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.нарушение принципаcontravention of principle (It follows from the foregoing that the answer to be given to the first question is that an employer is in direct contravention of the principle of equal treatment ... | ... it is for the defendant to prove that there has been no contravention of the principle of equality. | The author argues that such direct government intrusion is tantamount to contravention of the principle of freedom of contract, wherein business parties should ... – АД)
el.нарушение принципа безопасностиfailure to safety principle
cinemaнарушение принципа взаимностиreciprocity error
progr.нарушение принципа открытия-закрытияviolating OCP (ssn)
dipl.нарушение принципа преференцииviolation of the preferential principle
polit.нарушение принципов ООНcontravention of the principles of the UN (ssn)
lawнарушение принципов правосудияoutrage on justice
lawнарушение принципов правосудияbreach of justice
lawнарушение принципов свободыbreach of the principles of liberty (Sergei Aprelikov)
lawнарушение справедливости или принципов правосудияoutrage on justice (вопиющее)
progr.нарушения принципа подстановки Лисковviolations of LSP (ssn)
clin.trial.принцип учёта данных субъектов, завершивших исследование без нарушений протоколаPP approach (coltuclu)