
Terms containing налог на прибыль юридических лиц | all forms | in specified order only
EBRDавансовые платежи по налогу на прибыль юридических лицadvance corporation tax (часть налога на прибыль юридических лиц, уплачиваемая авансом до окончательного расчёта суммы залога в конце налогового года)
gen.налог на прибыль юридических лицcorporate profits tax (Corporate Profits Tax is a tax on corporate profits paid by businesses that are C corporations. Corporate profits is an economic indicator that calculates net income using different measures such as profits from current production, book profits and after-tax profits. Corporate profits represent a corporation's income and increasing profits means either increased corporate spending, growth in retained earnings or increased dividend payments to shareholders. These are good indicators for investors to invest money in such corporations. uslegal.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.налог на прибыль юридических лицcorporate profit tax (corporate income tax плохо подходит для перевода в российском контексте, так как тексте могут соседствовать термины "подоходный налог" и "налог на прибыль". Alexander Demidov)
lawналог на прибыль юридических лицCorporate Income Tax (согласно Налоговому кодексу Азербайджана yurtranslate23)
gen.налог на прибыль юридических лицcorporate tax (A corporate tax is a levy placed on the profit of a firm to raise taxes. After operating earnings is calculated by deducting expenses including the cost of goods sold (COGS) and depreciation from revenues, enacted tax rates are applied to generate a legal obligation the business owes the government. Rules surrounding corporate taxation vary greatly around the world and must be voted upon and approved by the government to be enacted. Read more: Corporate Tax investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.налог на прибыль юридического лицаcorporate tax (A tax levied on corporations' profits. Because corporations are legal entities separate from their owners, they may be taxed as if they were persons. A corporate tax, then, is the equivalent of the income tax for natural persons. Corporate taxes vary from country to country; in the United States, they are levied at both the federal and state levels. Proponents of the corporate tax argue it guards against excessive profits that may result from unethical or illegal corporate practices, while opponents say that corporations simply pass on the tax to their customers. Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Alexander Demidov)