
Terms containing наличие достаточного основания | all forms | in specified order only
crim.law.доказать наличие достаточных оснований для подозрения в незаконной террористической деятельностиdemonstrate probable cause of criminal terrorist activity (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
lawисходя из наличия достаточного основанияbased upon probable cause (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
lawналичие достаточного основанияprobable cause (для ареста, обыска, изъятия)
lawналичие достаточного основанияprobable cause
crim.law.наличие достаточных доказательств, дающих основание для предъявления обвиненияrealistic prospect of conviction (monte_christo)
ecol.наличие достаточных основанийsubstantiation
gen.предупреждение о потенциальном наличии опасности для жизни человека со стороны злоумышленников, для заключения под стражу которых не имеется достаточных основанийOsman warning (полицией Великобритании andreikgd)
gen.при наличии достаточных на то основанийfor good reason (4uzhoj)
lawпри наличии достаточных оснований для сомненийthere being reasonable doubt (due to there being reasonable doubt over whether the building to be replaced had ever been used as a ... there being reasonable doubt, whether the deceased had intended to cut out the second defendant ...to have a chance of there being reasonable doubt over the individual elements of guilt... The worshippers of Michael Jackson impress about there being "reasonable doubt" that he molested children. in the event of there being reasonable doubt as to the deliverability of the strategic development. Alexander Demidov)
lawпри наличии достаточных оснований для сомненийthere being reasonable doubt (due to there being reasonable doubt over whether the building to be replaced had ever been used as a ... there being reasonable doubt, whether the deceased had intended to cut out the second defendant ...to have a chance of there being reasonable doubt over the individual elements of guilt... The worshippers of Michael Jackson impress about there being "reasonable doubt" that he molested children. in the event of there being reasonable doubt as to the deliverability of the strategic development. – АД)
gen.при наличии достаточных оснований полагать, чтоwhere there are sufficient grounds to believe that (ABelonogov)
lawтребования о наличии достаточного основанияstandards of probable cause (напр., для обыска или ареста; the ~; контекстуальный перевод Alex_Odeychuk)