
Terms for subject General containing навредить | all forms | exact matches only
навредить интересамdamage someone's interests (Putin is trying to panic the West into surrendering important principles and accepting Russian actions that would damage Western interests and security severely but would seem less dangerous when compared to the massive threat Putin is presenting to Ukraine. 4uzhoj)
навредить кому-либо испортить кому-либо делоput pipe out
навредить самому себеscore own goals
навредить себе самомуdo oneself a disservice
отказаться отвечать на вопросы, ссылаясь на пятую поправку в Конституции США, из-за опасения навредить себе своими ответамиtake the fifth (take the fifth (amendment): 1. To refuse to testify against oneself in court, in accordance with the right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, part of the Bill of Rights. 2. By extension, to refuse to answer a question or provide information, especially if doing so may incriminate or embarrass oneself.: 1. The defendant took the fifth after every question the prosecution put to him. There is speculation that he will take the fifth amendment if he is asked about his actions under oath. 2. Just take the fifth if your mom asks where you've been all night! A: "So, I hear things got pretty messy at the party last night." B: "Yeah, I'm going to have to take the fifth amendment on that one!" thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
себе навредить, чтоб другому досадитьbite off nose to spite face
себе навредить, чтоб другому досадитьcut off nose to spite face
себе навредить, чтоб другому досадитьcut off nose to spite of face