
Terms for subject Communications containing наблюдений | all forms
активное наблюдение с целью перехвата информации абонентов мобильной связиactive surveillance attacks against mobile phone subscribers (Alex_Odeychuk)
спутниковая группировка наблюдения стихийных бедствийDisaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC fountik)
данные наблюдения за обменом сигнальными сообщениямиobservations of signalling traffic (Signalling messages are commands that are sent by a telecoms operators across the global network, unbeknownst to a mobile phone user. They allow operators to locate mobile phones, connect mobile phone users to one another, and assess roaming charges. But some signalling messages can be used for illegitimate purposes, such as tracking, monitoring, or intercepting communications. // Guardian, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
система сетевой информации и наблюденияnetwork information and surveillance system (NISuS)
узаконенное электронное наблюдениеLAES (ssn)
узаконенное электронное наблюдениеlawful authorized electronic surveillance (ssn)