
Terms containing мыслить ясно | all forms | in specified order only
gen.вам надо учиться ясно мыслитьyou must learn to think clearly
brit.временная утрата способности ясно мыслитьbrainstorm (george serebryakov)
saying.кто ясно мыслит, тот ясно излагаетeschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation (Ремедиос_П)
gen.мыслить ясноreason clearly (soundly, coherently, dialectically, etc., и т.д.)
gen.мыслить ясноthink straight (I cannot think straight Taras)
idiom.не способный ясно мыслитьnot with it (kozavr)
gen.неспособный ясно мыслитьconfused (Walton didn't turn up for six days, when he called his sister from a pay telephone in Heber just after midnight on November 11. His sister and brother described him as confused and trembling on the floor of the phone booth when they fond him. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
gen.он не может сейчас мыслить ясноhe can't think clearly now
gen.он ясно мыслитhe thinks straight
gen.способность ясно мыслитьability to think clearly
Makarov.уметь ясно мыслитьhave ability to think clearly
quot.aph.я не могу сейчас ясно мыслить, но могу сказатьI can't even think straight but I can tell (Alex_Odeychuk)
fig.ясно мыслитьkeep a clear head (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.ясно мыслитьbe clear-headed (Andrey Truhachev)
gen.ясно мыслитьthink straight (КГА)
gen.ясно мыслитьthink clearly