
Terms for subject Informal containing мощных | all forms
исключительно мощныйbionic
исключительно сильный или мощныйbionic
мощно задвинулpotent speech (Speaker: "12 years ago, when I began my search for a vice president, I didn't know I'd end up finding a brother." Somebody listening to the speaker talking in support for somebody the speaker talked about: "Potent speech, bro!" APN)
мощно ударитьpaste ("But, Moody came up next and pasted a liner into right for a single, which fueled a five-run inning for the Roughers." – Mike Tupa, The Bartlesville (Oklahoma) Examiner-Enterprise, 7 June 2018 VLZ_58)
мощной струёйfull blast (Бизнес развивался мощной струёй. Business went ahead full blast.; мощно, во всю силу at the highest level of activity, in a powerful way)
мощный взрывmassive bang (He said they heard a "massive bang" and saw debris in the sky. 4uzhoj)
мощный ударalmighty blow (great blow)
мощный ударpile-driver (кулаком, ногой)
нанести мощный ударpaste (VLZ_58)
наносить мощные ударыrip