
Terms containing морская накладная | all forms | in specified order only
f.trade.Единые правила морских накладныхUniform Rules for Sea Waybills (ИНКОТЕРМС2000 tatyana90)
gen.комбинированная транспортная морская накладнаяconsolidated bill of lading (B/L that combines two or more separate B/Ls into one B/L. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.морская накладнаяseabill (Johnny Bravo)
nautic.морская накладнаяconsignment note (Leonid Dzhepko)
econ.морская накладнаяSWB (В. Бузаков)
logist.морская накладнаяSWB (Sea Way Bill; часто в электронной форме, в отличие от коносамента – не является ни товарораспорядительным, ни оборотным документом Шапран Андрей)
econ.морская накладнаяsea waybill (Shipping document that is only a receipt of cargo taken "on board" a vessel and which, unlike a bill of lading, is not a document of title. business dictionary. A waybill that covers both domestic and international transportation of goods to a specified destination by sea. This is a non-negotiable instrument of sea transport that serves as a receipt for the shipper, indicating that the carrier has accepted the goods listed and obligates itself to carry the ... Found on bgateway.com Alexander Demidov)
econ.морская накладнаяliner waybill
gen.морская накладнаяseaway bill (Lavrov)
logist.Морская транспортная накладнаяHSWB (House Sea Waybill Liliia)
busin.морская транспортная накладнаяsea way bill (сокр. SB larsi)
gen.морские накладныеsea waybills (Sea Waybill is a document prepared by a transportation line at the point of a shipment; it shows origin, destination, route, shipper, consignee, description of goods and rate. This is not a document of title, used based on the trust between shipper and consignee; no original bill of lading required. Consignee can not be to the order of a bank, to the order or be endorsed. | When would I use a Sea Waybill instead of a Bill of Lading? A Sea Waybill is used in lieu of a Bill of Lading for straight consignments whenever a letter of credit or similar banking arrangement is not involved in the sale of goods. The Sea Waybill is suitable for regular shipments between related companies which do not require settlements through banks or third parties. Alexander Demidov)
traf.contr.необоротная накладная морской перевозкиnon-negotiable sea waybill (Yeldar Azanbayev)