
Terms for subject Alternative dispute resolution containing методами | all forms
Дельфийский методDelphi approach (метод экспортного прогнозирования)
затратный методcost approach ((оценка бизнеса) Cost Approach: The cost approach reflects the amount that would be required currently to replace the service capacity of an asset. 'More)
метод быстрого реагированияquick response method
метод разрешения тупиковой ситуации методом альтернативного выбора сторонroulette method (A mechanism that can be used to terminate a joint venture. Typically, it provides that a shareholder (A) of the joint venture company may serve notice on the other shareholder (B) offering to transfer all A’s shares in the company to B at a price specified by A. B must accept A’s offer and buy A’s shares at the stated price or must sell all his shares to A at the same price per share. Moonranger)
недобросовестный метод торговлиunfair commercial practice (Alex Lilo)
обмениваться информацией о наиболее успешных передовых методах работыshare information on best practices (Andrey Truhachev)