
Terms containing месяцев назад | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Makarov.его старшая сестра потеряла мужа около шести месяцев тому назадhis elder sister buried her husband about six months ago
Makarov.ей измеряли давление месяц назадher pressure was measured a month ago
Makarov.ей проверяли зрение последний раз месяц назадshe examined her eyes a month ago last time
busin.заметное улучшение по сравнению с тем, что было 3 месяца назадa marked turnaround from three months ago
gen.книга вышла месяц тому назадthe book appeared a month ago
gen.месяц назад4 weeks ago (Lyubov_Zubritskaya)
gen.месяц тому назадa month ago
Makarov.моя старшая сестра потеряла мужа около шести месяцев тому назадmy elder sister buried her husband about six months ago
gen.не далее как месяц тому назадas recently as a month ago (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.немногим более месяца назадin little more than a month (MichaelBurov)
gen.немногим менее месяца назадin little less than a month (MichaelBurov)
gen.несколько месяцев назадearlier in the year (suburbian)
gen.несколько месяцев назадa couple of months ago (TranslationHelp)
gen.несколько месяцев тому назадa few months ago (Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.несколько месяцев тому назадa couple of months ago (TranslationHelp)
gen.около четырёх месяцев тому назадabout four months past
Makarov.он сделал заказ три месяца назадhe made the booking three months ago
gen.он сильно переживал, когда его брак распался три месяца назад, но сейчас он уже оправилсяhe took it badly when his marriage broke up three months ago, but he's over it now
Makarov.он умер около трёх месяцев назадhe went dead about three months ago
gen.она умерла около восьми месяцев тому назадshe died within eight months
Makarov.последний раз он был так голоден много месяцев назадhe was hungry as he had not been in months
gen.примерно месяц тому назадabout a month ago (About a month ago, I noticed some garbage was dumped at the side of the road on Ridgway Avenue a little north of East Third Street. I drive by there almost every day. It irritated me every time I dove by, so last Sunday I took a bag and some gloves and stopped on my way home to clean it up. Among the garbage were some papers associated with your son Derek, including a Christmas card from you with the enclosed cheque for $10,000. I am assuming your son is not the litterer, so I decided to return the cheque to you. I thought you and maybe Derek might be interested in finding out what happened to it. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
gen.ровно месяц тому назадthis day month
gen.с месяц тому назадabout a month ago (About a month ago, I noticed some garbage was dumped at the side of the road on Ridgway Avenue a little north of East Third Street. I drive by there almost every day. It irritated me every time I dove by, so last Sunday I took a bag and some gloves and stopped on my way home to clean it up. Among the garbage were some papers associated with your son Derek, including a Christmas card from you with the enclosed cheque for $10,000. I am assuming your son is not the litterer, so I decided to return the cheque to you. I thought you and maybe Derek might be interested in finding out what happened to it. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
Makarov.снег, выпавший более месяца назадsnow fallen more than one month ago
Makarov.у него был приступ головокружения месяц назадhe had the giddiness attack a month ago
Makarov.это было напечатано несколько месяцев назад в одном ныне не существующем журналеit appeared, some months ago, in a defunct periodical
gen.я бросил курить три месяца назадI've been off cigarettes for three months
Makarov.я по поводу стиральной машины, которую купил месяц назад, у меня жалоба – она опять сломаласьI wish to complain about the washing machine that I bought last month, it's stopped working again
Makarov.я так поправилась, что уже совершенно не была похожа на ту девочку, которая десять месяцев назад покинула родной домI had gained so much weight and I just plain didn't look like the girl who had left town ten months before