
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing местом | all forms | exact matches only
в неудачном месте в неудачное времяin the wrong place, at the wrong time (в русском языке часто употребляется и обратный порядок: "в неудачное время в неудачном месте": After shots were fired in downtown Vancouver last week, police were quick to say it was not related to the Lower Mainland gang conflict. Details about the shooting and the victim have been sparse, until now. Officers who were first on scene discovered the victim, a 46-year-old man. As Catherine Urquhart reports, the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We’ve also learned the victim is a physician and that he was shot in the face. -- оказался в неудачное время в неудачном месте (globalnews.ca)  ART Vancouver)
в нужном месте в нужное времяin the right place at the right time (Beitman is still collecting data, but he has drawn a few conclusions. The most commonly reported coincidences are associated with mass media: A person thinks of an idea and then hears or sees it on TV, the radio or the internet. Thinking of someone and then having that person call unexpectedly is next on the list, followed by being in the right place at the right time to advance one’s work, career or education. latimes.com ART Vancouver)
вполне быть к местуwould not be out of place (A columned, pedimented portico introduces a classical revival house that would not be out of place in the eastern U.S. (Ron Phillips) ART Vancouver)
выбрать местом своей деятельностиset up shop (Many tech companies have chosen to set up shop in smaller cities to lower their operating costs. ART Vancouver)
держать в безопасном местеkeep safe (It can be easy for kitties to escape with the door opening and closing for trick-or-treaters. Keep them safe in a quiet room with no open windows, cozy hiding places and lots of toys!⁠ ART Vancouver)
занимать важное местоbe a major figure (John Keats, one of the best-known English Romantic poets, was a major figure on the English literary scene. ART Vancouver)
занимать много местаtake up a lot of space (как о физических предметах, так и о памяти: I have hundreds and hundreds of apps, and that takes up a lot of space. ART Vancouver)
занимать особое место, посколькуhold a special place of being (Although there had been many UFO sightings before then, and of course after, the 1960s holds a special place of being a time of some very bizarre encounters with these crafts and their occupants, and here we will look at a selection of some of the stranger of these. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
занимать третье место в миреrank third in the world (Canada, in terms of living space per person, ranks third in the world, surpassed only by Australia and the U.S. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
количество мест ограниченоseating is limited (sissoko)
количество мест ограниченоseats are limited (Юрий Гомон)
место, гдеthe spot where (что-то случилось: But there are ancient associations much nearer Little Birchall. This stone is said to be the spot where country farmers met Leek buyers in the time of the plague. Here they did their market traffic outside the town. But the associations of the place are much older than the time of the plague. wordpress.com ART Vancouver)
на первом местеnumber one priority (по важности: The safety of our community remains our number one priority. -- остаётся для нас на первом месте ART Vancouver)
на первом местеbe one's number one concern (Obviously, the safety of our customers is our number one concern. – стоит для нас на первом месте ART Vancouver)
на первом месте в спискеat the top of the list (кандидатов на должность, возможных причин случившегося и т.п.: Defects in the shotcrete, such as insufficient thickness or poor consolidation in and around the tieback anchor plates, are an obvious first place to look for possible causes, he said. “That’s got to be at the top of the list of potential causes,” he said. “Shotcrete being that it’s like this onsite-injected concrete, the variability is very high. If the person doing the job isn’t going a great job, it can very quickly not be good quality.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
находиться на третьем месте в миреrank third in the world (Canada, in terms of living space per person, ranks third in the world, surpassed only by Australia and the U.S. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
проезжать мимо этого местаpass by there (Yeah I passed by there earlier and it’s a mess for sure. The cars are totaled, the truck flipped and stopped against a lamp pole with its rear wheels up under the hood in front of the Chinese restaurant there on the south side. -- я проезжал мимо этого места reddit.com ART Vancouver)